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S. Rept. 116-201 1 (2020-01-09)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxadbs0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUTHENTICATEO

                                                         Calendar No. 351
                   116TH CONGRESS             SEAT                    REPORT
                      2d Session              SENATE                  116-201

                         ENERGY JOBS FOR OUR HEROES ACT OF 2019

                                   JANUARY 9, 2020.-Ordered to be printed

                      Ms. MURKOWSKI, from the Committee on Energy and Natural
                                  Resources, submitted the following


                                          [To accompany S. 876]
                     The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was
                   referred the bill (S. 876) to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005
                   to require the Secretary of Energy to establish a program to pre-
                   pare veterans for careers in the energy industry, including the
                   solar, wind, cybersecurity, and other low-carbon emissions sectors
                   or zero-emissions sectors of the energy industry, and for other pur-
                   poses, having considered the same, reports favorably thereon with
                   amendments and recommends that the bill, as amended, do pass.
                     The amendments are as follows:
                     Beginning on page 7, strike line 7 and all that follows through
                   page 8, line 11, and insert the following:
                         (f) Establishment of Industry-Recognized Certification
                       and Training Programs.-For purposes of subsection (d), if
                       an appropriate industry-recognized certification and train-
                       ing program does not exist, the Secretary shall establish a
                       grant program to assist the industry in developing such an
                       industry-recognized certification and training program.
                     On page 8, line 12, strike (h) and insert (g).
                     On page 8, line 16, strike program. and insert the following:
                       program, including-
                             (1) the number of veterans enrolled in the program;
                             (2) the regional distribution of those veterans;
                             (3) the cost of certification under the program;
                             (4) the rate of job placement;

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