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1 (2018-12-06)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxabyh0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUT-ENTICATED

                      115TH CONGRESS                                         REPT. 115-1066
                         2d Session      HOUSE   OF  REPRESENTATIVES             Part 1


                                       DECEMBER  6, 2018.-Ordered to be printed

                        Mr. BISHOP  of Utah,  from the Committee on Natural Resources,
                                            submitted   the  following


                                              [To accompany H.R. 2987]

                                [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]

                        The  Committee   Natural  Resources,  to whom  was  referred  the bill
                      (H.R. 2987) to amend   the Public  Lands  Corps  Act of 1993  to estab-
                      lish the 21st  Century  Conservation   Service  Corps  to  place youth
                      and veterans  in national  service positions to conserve, restore, and
                      enhance  the great outdoors  of the United  States, and  for other pur-
                      poses, having  considered  the  same,  report favorably  thereon  with
                      an amendment and recommend that the bill as amended do pass.
                        The amendment is as follows:
                        Strike all after the enacting clause and  insert the following:
                     SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
                       This Act may be cited as the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps Act.
                     SEC. 2. PURPOSES.
                       Section 202 of the Public Lands Corps Act of 1993 (16 U.S.C. 1721) is amended
                     to read as follows:
                     SEC. 202. PURPOSES.
                       The purposes of this title are-
                           (1) to engage youth and veterans in the United States in civilian national
                         service positions to conserve, rebuild, and enhance the outdoors, natural re-
                         sources, infrastructure, and recreation assets of the United States;
                           (2) to increase public access to, and use of, public and tribal land and water,
                         infrastructure, and natural, cultural, and historical resources and treasures,
                         while spurring economic development and outdoor recreation and addressing
                         backlogged maintenance on public land;
                           (3) to conserve, restore, and enhance public and tribal land and water, infra-
                         structure, and natural, cultural, and historical resources and treasures by car-
                         rying out high-quality, cost-effective 21st Century Conservation Service Corps
                           (4) to ensure that, in any State or territory of the United States or on any
                         tribal land, the activities and expertise of Corpsmembers will be accessible to
                         any public organization, nonprofit organization, or tribal agency responsible for
                         the stewardship of land and water that is-

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