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1 (2018-11-16)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxabxc0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUT-ENTICATED

                      115TH CONGRESS                                         REPT.115-1035
                         2d Session      HOUSE   OF  REPRESENTATIVES             Part 1

                              NATIONAL LANDSLIDE PREPAREDNESS ACT

                                       NOVEMBER 16, 2018.-Ordered to be printed

                        Mr. BISHOP  of Utah,  from the Committee on Natural Resources,
                                            submitted   the  following


                                              [To accompany H.R. 1675]

                                [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]

                        The  Committee   on Natural  Resources,  to whom   was  referred  the
                     bill (H.R. 1675)  to establish a national  program  to identify and  re-
                     duce  losses from  landslide hazards,  to establish a national  3D  Ele-
                     vation  Program, and for other purposes, having considered the
                     same,   reports  favorably   thereon  with  an   amendment and rec-
                     ommends that the bill as amended do pass.
                        The amendment is as follows:
                        Strike all after the enacting clause and  insert the following:
                     SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
                       This Act may be cited as the National Landslide Preparedness Act.
                     SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS.
                       In this Act:
                           (1) 3D.-The term 3D means 3-dimensional.
                           (2) 3D ELEVATION DATA.-
                              (A) IN GENERAL.-The term 3D elevation data means 3D, high-resolu-
                              tion data obtained using lidar, ifsar, or other methods over the United
                              States (including territories).
                              (B) INCLUSIONS.-The term 3D elevation data includes terrestrial and
                              bathymetric elevation data.
                           (3) 3D ELEVATION PROGRAM.-The term 3D Elevation Program means the
                         3D Elevation Program established under section 5(a).
                           (4) IFSAR.-The term ifsar means interferometric synthetic aperture radar.
                           (5) INDIAN TRIBE.-The term Indian tribe has the meaning given the term
                         in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25
                         U.S.C. 5304).
                           (6) LIDAR.-The term lidar means light detection and ranging.
                           (7) SECRETARY.-The term Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior,
                         acting through the Director of the United States Geological Survey.
                           (8) STATE.-The term State means any unit of State or Territorial govern-
                         ment handling the identification, mapping, assessment, and research of land-
                         slide hazards or responding to landslide events, including-

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