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Ex. Rept. 115-6 1 (2018-06-19)

handle is hein.congrecreports/crptxabie0001 and id is 1 raw text is: AUT-ENTICATED

                   115TH CONGRESS                                   EXEC. REPT.
                     2nd Session              SENATE                   115-6

                   THE   MARRAKESH      TREATY    TO  FACILITATE    ACCESS    TO
                     PUBLISHED    WORKS     FOR   PERSONS WHO       ARE   BLIND,
                     DONE   AT MARRAKESH ON JUNE 27, 2013.

                                    JUNE 19, 2018.-Ordered to be printed

                        Mr. CORKER,  from the Committee on Foreign Relations,
                                       submitted the following


                                     [To accompany Treaty Doc. 114-6]
                     The Committee  on Foreign Relations, to which was referred the
                   Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Per-
                   sons who  are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Dis-
                   abled, done at Marrakesh on June 27, 2013, having considered the
                   same, reports favorably thereon with one declaration, as indicated
                   in the resolution of advice and consent, and recommends that the
                   Senate give its advice and consent to ratification thereof, as set
                   forth in this report and the accompanying resolution of advice and

                     I. Purpose ................ . ............................ ..........  1
                     II. Background     ..................................................... 2
                     III. Implementing Legislation  ........................... .............. . 3
                     IV. Committee Action           ................................................. 3
                     V. Committee Recommendation and Comments ...........................  3
                     VI. Text of Resolution of Advice and Consent to Ratification ..................  4
                                             I. PURPOSE
                     According to the Secretary of State's Letter of Submittal to the
                   President, the purpose of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access
                   to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired,
                   or Otherwise Print Disabled, Done at Marrakesh on June 27, 2013
                   (hereinafter, the Marrakesh Treaty) is to reduce the global short-
                   age of print materials in special accessible formats for the many
                   millions of Americans and others throughout the world who  are
                   blind, visually impaired, or have other print disabilities, such as
                   physical limitations that prevent holding a book. At present, ac-

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