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36th Congress Special Session Cong. Globe 3303 (1860)

handle is hein.congrec/conglob0065 and id is 1 raw text is: 1860.

Mr. BABBITT demanded the previous ques-
tion on his resolution.
Mr. BURNETT moved that the House do now
adjourn; arid on that motion demanded the yeas
and nays.
ahd nys.s and says were ordered.
Mr.SHERMAIN. I rise to a privileged report.
The committee appointed to wait upon the Pres-
ident have discharged that duty, and lie has di-
rected us to inform the House that he has no
further communication to make. Further, he ex-
preses his wishes for the health and prosperity
of the members of this House; and that they may
have a happy return to their labors in December



*The question was taken on Mr. BURNETT'S me-    nd ceean, Mctniiht. tcPhrsn Mctuco Miles,
tion, and it was decided in the negative-yeas 11,  Sydnetilim Moore, Moorhead, Morril, Isaac N. MIorris,
Morse, Nelson, Nihack, Oln, rainer, Pendietn, Perry,
nays 117; as follows:                              Pettit, Peytn 'Porter, Pryor, onrles, Reagan, Rice,
YEAS--essrs. Crey, Cobb, Englis,  onrtrell, Jones,  Christopher Robinson,ReooyceRuffn,Rust,3Srantoni, Spin-
Ri, Ss                    , Stevenon,Underwood,   ncr, Stanton, Jamns A. Stewart, Stokes, Stout, Tappan,
an   inslow-, S ,li                               ileker, Vallandliham, Vance, Vandever Van ,Vvek
NAS-Mlessrs. AldrIcb, Allen, Alley, Ashley. AvevI Verec, Write, Walton, Eltihu, I. eWashbrne, BIraeV
Babbitt, ingham, Francis P. Blair, Samuel S. blnir, Blake,  Shbun,  l, and  radi-tll.
Boullgy, Brabon, Branc, Brayton, BristoV, Buffinton,  So the House refused to adjourn.
Buch, Burlingame, Barnett, Butterflel Campbell, Carter,  During the reading of the names, the hour of
Case, CloptonJohn Cochrane, Colaxlborwin, Crawford,  twelve o'clock, at., having arrived,
Curtis, Davidson, 11. W'interDavis, Jolin G. Davis, Delano,
Dann, Edwards, Eliot, Ely, Ethiridge, Ferry, Florence,  The SPEAKER said: Gentlemen, the hotr
Foster, Frank, Garnett, Ciler, Goach, Hale, J. Dforrison  fixed by concurrent resolution of the two Houses
HarrLs John T. Harris, Ilatton, Helmicl , ll11 Hoard, for tice adjournment of this session of Conrs
Houston, lWilliamA. htoward,niiglies, HUmphreyJunkinf he arrivede  of   th   se      of  ress
Francis IV. Kellogg, Kenyon, Kilgore, Larrabee DeWitt  having  a d, I declarebthe House of Repre-
C. Leach, Longneeker, LoomIs, Love, Mallory, fitarston, seatives adjourned; and in doing so, I bid the
Cliartes D. Martin, Elbert S. Martin, Maynard, M5cler-  members an affectionate farewell.


Turst.&Y, June 26, 1860.
Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Dr. GonaL.
The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will
come to order. Tile Secretary will read the proc-
lamation of the President of the United States.
The Secretary read it, as fallows:
dig fie Presidest of the United Slates of .lieiria.
Whcreas an extraordinary occasion hus occurred render-
log it nces,'ary atd proper elot tie Senate of tile United
Stales shall be convened to receive nnd act upon scl com-
munictlojno as have been or may be made to It on the part
of tile Execulive:
Now, therefore, I, J MEs BVhCUAIN&N, Presideat of tile
United State., do Issue this my proeiamatlon, deelaringtat
an extraordinary occasion requires the Senate of the United
States to convenle for the transaction of busincess at the
Capitol, in the city of Washington, on tile 26th day ofJuane
Instant, at twlve o'cloek at noon of that day, of whieh alt
who dhll iten be entitled to set as members of that body
are hereby required to take nolice.
Given under ray hand and the seal of the United
E S.] Statet at Wasi ngton, thit 2Zth day of June, ann
Donini IfiS, end of- the independence of- the
United States tile eglty-fourth.
By the President:
Lew: Cas, Scereaary of Stale.
The following Senators were present:
Front the State of . 'eto Iampshire-Hon. John
P. Hle.
rotit the State of ,hMassachvisetts-Hon. Charles
Sumner and Hon. Henry Wilson.
From the State of Rhode Island-Hon. Henry
B. Anthony and HEon. James F. Simmons.
Front th State ofCotnectiesif-Hon. La Fayette
S. Foster.
Finr the State of ermon-t-Hon. Jacob Colla-
mer and Hen, Solomon Foot.
From the State of   w York-Hon. Preston
Front the State of NVew Jerse-Hon. John C.
Ten Eyck and Hoi. John R. Thomson.
From the State of Peinsjilvaaia-Hon. William
F'oin the State of Delaware-Hon. James A.
Bayard and Hon. Willard Saulsbury.
i-ot the Stale of ,llarylantd-Hon. Anthony-
Kennedy and Hon. James A. Pearce.
From the Stale of VirgaiIt-Hon. R. M. T.
Hunter and Hon. James M. Mason.
From til  State of.lorth Carolina-Hon. Thomas
Bragg and Hon. Thomas L. Clingman.
From the State of Sottl Carolina-Hon. James
Chestnut, jr., and Hon. James H. Hammond.
Front the Staie of Georgia-Hon. Alfred Iver-
son and Hon. Robert Toombs.
From the State efKentuchk-Hon, John J. Crit-
tenden and Hon. Lazarus W. Powell.
FRothe State of Tentessee-Hon. Autrew John-
eon and Hon..Alfred 0. P. Nicholson.-
Frost the State of Ohio-Hon. George E. Pugh
and Hon. Berjamin F. Wade.
Froi the Slate of Louisiana-Hon. John Slidell.
F,'om the State fn Indiana-Hon. Jesse D. Bright
and Hou. Grahiai N. Fitch.
Froi the State of-2ftissipvi-Hon. Albert G.
Brown and Hon. Jefferson Davis.

From the State'of lliwnis-Hon. LymanTrum-
From the Stit of .labama-Hon.Benjamin Fitz-
From the State of .Mahine-Hon. William Pitt
From the State of illissour -Hon. Trusten Polk.
From the Sltate of arkansas-Hon. Robert W.
Johnon and Hon. William K. Sebastian.
From the State of .Miehga-Hon. Zacltariah
From the State of Ftrida-Hon. StepheR R.
Miallory and Hon. David L. Yulee.
.Pino, the Staie of Texas-Hon. John Hemphill
and Hon. Louis T. Wigfall.
Freont the State of Iowa-Hon. JamesW'. Grimes
and Hon. James Harlan.
Front the State of Wisconsin-Hon. James R.
Doolittle and Hot. Charles Darkee.
'Front the State of Califorltia-Hon. William M.
Gwin and Hoti. Milton S. Latham.
Front the Slate of Xinnesota-Hou. Henry M.
Rice and Hon. MortonS. Willinson.
Frora the state of Oregon--Hon. Joseph Lane.
Mr. HALE. I ask leave to introduce the fol-
lowing resolution:
ltesotred, Tlat tile hour of meetlng of the Senate be ten
o'clock in the morningtintil otherwise ordered.  ,
The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair hears
nb objection to the present consideration of the
Mr. MASON. I dare say that may be a very
proper resolution; but I would suggest to the hon-
orable Senator that we consider it at a later hour
of the day.    
Mr. HALE. Let it lie over, if it is objected
Mr. MASON. I shall not object to it.
Mr. HALE. If there is no dbjection, I hope
it will be passed. -My 1bjet was to expedite
business. However, at the suggestion of Sena-
tors, let it lie over.
Mr. HALE. I have another resolution which
I desire to have referred to the Committee on
Rtesoled, That the same number ofthe other volumes of
additional coptes of the eleventh volume, containing the
maps and charts of the urveys forea railroad from tle is-
sissippi river to the Pacific osean, be printed for the use of
the Senate.
I simply want to say that I hold in my hand
the eleventh volume, which contains all the maps
and charts. We have ordered the full number of
ten volumes, and a supplement to the first volume
twice the size of this; and we have only ordered
the usual number of the eleventh and last vol-
ume, which completes the set; so that there are
no extra numbers for distribution. I simply ask
the reference of the resolution to the Commitfe
on Printing.
It was so referred.
.Mr. HALE. I have another resolution which
1 desire to offer:
Resoled, That the Postaster General be directed to an-

certain and report to the Sennte, early at the next  esslon
of Congress, the number and the names of the post offices
where letters were delivered by carriors for the yearending
30th Junc,lostant; the number of letters thus delivered ot
cacti of said offices; the number of persons employed n
carriers, and their respective compensations. Also, tile
number and tile names or all tile post offices where box
rent is collected; the aggregate amount of box rent col-
lected, and tle rate per box charged at each of said post
offices respectively. That lie also ascertain and report
whether nil, and ifso, wlat, extra charge Is iaade at any
of the post offices fordepositig in time cante box letters for
tUere than one person, also, the mnaximumn ratO titls col-
looted for the rent of a single box. Tht tie also ascertain
whether preference or partiality is practised at ally Of the
post offices in distributing and delivering letters to box-
holders, andwhetherthe practice exists atanyoftlo post
offices of neglectling to delh-er letters to the persons to
whose care they may be directed; and if it does, that lie
then report the cause of such neglect.
Mr. YULEE. I object to the consideration of
that resolution.
The VICE PRESIDENT. Then it will lie
On motion of Mr. CHANDLER, it was
Ordered, That Sheldon 2cltaight have leave to with-
draw Iis petition and paperS.
Mr. BIGLER submitted the following resolu-
tion; which was considered by unanimous con-
sent and agreed to:
l.esltce~d, That a committee oftwo members be appointed
to wait on the President of the United States, anti lnform
hiim that the Senate isassemblied, and ready to receive any
communications he may be pleased to make.
On motion of Mr. BIGLER, the Vice Presi-
dent was authorized to appoint the committee;
and Mr. BirLo.a and Mr. FoOT were appointed.
Mr. MASON. For the dispatch of business
of the session, I offer the following resolution. It
is the usual one at the commencement of an ex-
ecutive session:
R1solred, That tile standingcommittees appointed at tile
late sssion of Congress, he, and they aro, reappointed for
the present special session of the Senate.
The resolution was considered by unanimous
consent, and agreed to.
Mr. MASON. I have anotherresolution with
the same view:
Resoalfed, That all business heretofore referred to the
standing committees of the Senate and pertaining to the
business of the executive session ant not reported otn or
otherwise definitely disposed of, be again referred to tile
said committees respectively, with like powernod author-
Ity possessed by them at the late session.
The resolution was considered by unanimous
consent, and agreed to.
Mr. MASON. I move that the Senate proceed
to the consideration of executive business.
The motion was agreed to; and the Senate pro-
ceeded to the consideration of executive business,
and, after some time spent therein, the doors -were
in the chair.)  The Chair will state to tihe Senate
that he was requested by the Vice President to

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