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36th Congress Special Session Cong. Globe 1685 (1859)

handle is hein.congrec/conglob0060 and id is 1 raw text is: SE NATE-SPECIAL SE S SION.

FRIDAY, larch 4, 1859.
At two minutes past twelve o'clock, m., HEon.
- Jotiw C. Bnncmci~ninGE, Vice President of the
United States and President of the Senate, took
the chair, and said: The Senate will come to or-
der. They are called to order in pursuance of
a proclamation from the President of the United
Slates, which will be read.
The Secretary read the proclamation, as fol-
By the Presilrnt of the I7kt-e Statec of qimcica.
Whtereas an extraordinary occasion has neerred render-
ing it nccesary and proper that the Senate of the United
Stateohali be convened to receive and act upon scel com-
ninlcatons as have been or may be made to it oi the prt
ofihe Executive:
NgOv, therefore, 1, James Buchanan, President ofthe Uni-
ted St8ain, doissue its iyproeclamation,declaring thatan
extmordinary occasion require, the Senate of the United
Stateq to convene for the traneaetion of business at the
Capitol, in the city of Vashington, on the fourth day of
next monith, at twelve o'clock at noon ofthatday, ofwhich
ill who hall then be entitled to actas members ofthat body
are hereby required to take notice.
Given under my hand and the seal of the United States,
at WVahinton, this 26th day ot February, Anne
[L, s.] Domini 1 L9, and ofthe independence of the Uni-
ted States the eighty-third.
By the President:
Lewis Cass, Secret ry of State.
The following Senators were present:
FRrem the State f.XNe  Hempshire-Hon. Daniel
Fem the State of Rhode Island-Hon. James F.
From the State of Connecticut-Hon. James Dix-
on and Hon. La Fayette S. Foster.
Fron the State of Fermnt-Hon. Jacob Colla-
mr and Hon. Solomon Foot.
From the State of New York-Hon. Preston King
and Hon. William H. Seward.
Frem the State of New Jersey-Hen. John R.
From the State of Pestssytran a-Hon. William
Bigler and Hon. Simon Cameron.
F em the State of Delaware-Hon. James A.
Fem the State of .Aarland-Hon. Anthony
Rennedy and Hon. James Alfred Pearce.
From the State of Virginia-Hon. James M. Ma-
From the State fNbsrtlh Carolina-Hon. Thomas
L. Clingman.
Frem the State f Soutlk Carolina-Hon. James
H. Hammond.
From the State ofGeorgia-Hon. Alfred Iverson.
From the State of Kentucky-Hon. John J. Crit-
Freomthe State of Tenttsee-Hon.Andrew John-
Frea the State af Oho-   on. Benjamin F.
Froitthe State of Itisana-Hon. Jesse D. Bright
and Hon. Graham N. Fitch.
From the $tate of Jlinitsipp-Uon. Jefferson

-From the State of linnis-Hon. Lyman Trum-
From the State of .2labama-Hon. Benjamin
lemt the State of Maine-Hon. Hannibal Ham-
From the State of !issouri-Hon. James S.
Green and Hon. Truston Polk.
Front the 8tate ef .2rkasas-Hon. Robert W.
Frea the State of Wiehigan-Hon. Zechariah
From the State of Ftorida-Hon. Stephen R.
Mallory and Hon. David L. Yulee.
From the State of Texr-Hon. Matthias Ward.
Front the State of lowa-Hon. James Harlan.
-From the State'of Wsconsi-Hon. James R.
Doolittle and Hon. Charles Durkee.
Fro the State of California-Hon. David C.
Broderick 'and Hon. William M. Gwin.
Fret the Stats of Alinnesola-Hon. Hefiry M.
From the State of Orego--Hon. Joseph Lane.
Mr. JOHNSON, of Tennessee. It is with
very great pleasure that I rise to perform the
agreeable office of presenting the credentials of
my colleague, the Hon. A. 0. P. NictueoLSOr,
elected amember of this body by the Legislature
of tile State of Tennessee for the term of six years
from this day.
The Secretary read the credentials,
Mr. WARD presented the credentials of Hon.
Jony HEMPHILL, elected by the Legislature of
Texas a Senator from that State for the term of
six years from the 4th of Marclie 1859; which
were read.
The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair will
cause the names of the Senators-to be read who
are to be sworn in this morning, and whose cre-
dentials have been heretofore presented.
The Secretary read the list, as follows:
Hon. Henry B. Anthony, of Rhode Island.
Hon. Jdah P. Penjamin, of Louisiana.
Hon. Kinsley S. Bingham, of Michigan.
Hon. Thomas Bragg, of North Carolina.
Hon. Albert G. Brown, of Mississippi.
Hon. James Chesnut, jr., of South Carolina.
Han. Clement C. Clay, jr., of Alabama.
Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois.
Hon. William Pitt Fessenden, of Maine.
Hon. James W. Grimes, of Iowa.
Hon. John P. Hale, of New Hampshire.
Ron. John Hemphill, of Texas.
Hon. Robert M. T. Hunter, of Virginia.
Hon. Alfred 0. P. Nicholson, of Tennessee. .
Hon. Lazarus ,V. Powell, of Kentucky.
Hon. ,Villaid Saulsbury, of Delaware.
Hon. William K. Sthastian, of Arkansas.
Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia.
Hon. Henry Wilson, of.Maosachusetts.
All these gentlemen, except Mr. BEseattise,
were duly qualified by taking the oath or affirm-
ation prescribed by law, and took their seats in
the Senate:
Mr. BRIGHT offered the following resolution:
Resctred, That a committee of two members be appointed
to wait on tle President of the United States, and inform

hfin that a quotut or the Senate has assembled, and that
the Sebate is ready to receive any communication he may
be pleased to make.
The resolution was considered, by unanimous
consent, and agreed to; and Mr. BasT and Mr.
COLLAIIER were appointed the committee,
Mr. MASON. I offer a resolution:
Resolved, That the several standingeommittees, as exist-
ing at the close of the late session of the Senate, be reap-
polnted with the exception of such vacancies as may have
been caused by the fact ofany member ofsaid couiitteea
having ceased to be a member of the Senate, and that the
Vice President be authorized to fill such vacancies.
Mr. SEWARD. I ask the honorable Senator
from Virginia whether his resolution ought not
to provide distinctly that these committees beap-
pointed for the present special session of the Sen-
ate? I think that is the way it has been hereto-
fore done.
Mr. MASON. This is a copy of the resolu-
tion adopted at the last ektra session of the Sen-
ate. I take it for granted that when the session
closes, the committees are disbanded.
Mr. SEWARD. Then I have no objection.
The resolution was considered by unanimous
consent, and agreed to.
Mr. DOOLITTLE. I submit the following
resolution for consideration:
Resoved, That the Precddent oftheUnited States be ad-
vised to open negotiations with Spain, and with the nations
south of us upen the continent, for the removal of all illib-
eral and onerous restrictions upon trade and commerce be-
tween them and their dependencies and the United States;
and also for the purpose of aeuiring in Yucatan and Cen-
tral and South America, the rights and privileges o settle-
ment and of citizenship for the benefit of such free persons
ofcolor of African descent as m ay veluntarily desire to em-
igrate from the United States and form themselves into a
colony orcolonies, under the laws of the State or States to
which they emigrate, the United States, in consideration of
the commercial advantages of trade with sucs colony or
colonies, making and securing the necessary and proper
engagements to maintain them in the enjoylment of the
rights and privileges acquired by such treaty or treaties.
I do not ask for the present consideration of the
resolution. It can lie over until to-morrow.
Mr. BAYARD. I move that when the Senate
adjourns to-day, it be to meet on Monday next.
Mr. HUNTER. I hope not. I trust we may
get through to-morrow.
Mr. BAYARD. I think not.
Mr. HALE. Can the motion be amended?
RtcK in the chair.) It depends on the characterof
the amendment.
Mr. HALE.. I move to amend the motion, so
as to provide that when the Senate adjourns to-
day, it be to meet to-morrow at eleven o'clock.
Mr. MASON. I wish to say to the Senate that,
so far as I am concerned-and I have taken some
pains to inform myself-I am not aware that
there will be more business before the Senate at
this extra session than was before it at the ad-
jourment of the regular session to-day. I do not
believe that any netw business will be sent to us
which will detain us at all.
Mr. BAYARD. Of course, whatever is the

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