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1957 Legal Aspects Ent. Industry [i] (1957)

handle is hein.blasports/ielb1957 and id is 1 raw text is: P R E F A C E

This is The State Bar's Third Annual Program on Legal Aspects
of the Entertainment 'Industry. The entire planning for these programs
has been entrusted to the Committee on Continuing Education of the Bar
of the Beverly Hills Bar Association, under the able chairmanship of
Marvin A. Freeman.
Unquestionably, television is the focus today of the most
challenging legal problems in the entertainment field. For that reason
this lecture series emphasizes filmed television,
We are indebted to the attorneys who have prepared this syllabus
and are participating as lecturers. They have given generously of their
time and knowledge.
We also express appreciation to Mr. William 0. Minor (a third
year student at the University of California School of law at Berkeley)
for his editorial assistance and to Mrs. Lucille Stevens and her capable
staff for mimeographing the voluminous materials.
Felix F. Stumpf, Administrator
Continuing Education of the Bar

March 1957

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