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18 For the Record 1 (2007)

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al nr,        7         National   Sports   Law         Institute Year in Review*

                        by Paul M. Anderson, Editor & NSLI Associate Director

         review otn                         OxL activitiesi-j i        ~         M  o-
         ~~S SI m~ths   atMaquette   Uniest   LW        Schoo have continud to prove divers
                        educatonaplo   pnprnites Hf nr MAuette la w students as well as ur rent and
           2L pNuture leaders                1h sp U oks indutr In addition thwu vAous
11\RCH  29,2007         pulcain    and events, the \SSLI has continued to proide a national
from the Prew:      to th form for the thoughtil considerato and disuson of Americam and
Locker Room: The ItUte of Qntrnatini  sports lawt and busine:: iss      in ovrilew  of these
Sport     A in merica in the  iiTies and publicatins f olosA
21st CenturY
     -dirisiI Benn USA                          LMIN SPORITS  LI AW
  'oday sports colunist and.
  Sho          t    f r        In Ag      W     a       U              School will
  SN          ( uNrng t            r A    o   M     o                      Law d     in
      ½  ~    ~     re 1   WtIi~sv teUied Staes This niiu grdaedgenSot              a v I provid
    L                                                                     I and pr a c tlMical

 \PRIL )7 207           euaincnenn               ea euaino      h  ntdSae       mtu   n
   M' quet    niversitx plbiolsprsnItsi               :  11. as (ypcaditrtonlsOr:

 n      S  ports Law
      Progam   nforatinal Marquett University Law School's Sports Law     Program  attracts JD.
      Meetng  fr  Curent students from throughout the country, The new L.M. program rnake
      StudentsMarquette's Sports ILaw curriculum available to   lawyers who have earned a
      -~Martuete  t i r~ Iaw degree from an accredited foreign law school. It will enable foreign
      Law ScoollIwyers to earn a specialized post-graduate   degree in sports law that also
      ~RIIL~7develops knowledge and skills with general application outside the   sports
      unti I    .port I' indlustry. In particular, an individual wvho earns the LL.M. in Sports La w
      A 'ad: ian j '~degree   will be able to:
- Ho      Hote Downtown
                        1L Understand howv amateur, professional, and Olympi  sprts are
                           regulated by the United States legal system, which will enhance one's
                           ability to make comparisons with the legal regulation of sports in his/
                           hier home country.

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