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15 For the Record 1 (2004)

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Marquette University Law School
P0O. Box  1881
Mtlwsaukee, Wisconsin 5320141881
(414) 288-5815 * fax (414) 288-5818
http://laws.marquetteedu/j wnshi

      2003   National Sports Law
        Insttute   Year in Reviw

          by Paul M. Anderson, Editor
            NSLI  Associate Director

        )uring the past yeat the National Sports
Law   Institute and the Sports Law  Program  at
Marquette University Law  School have continued
to provide diverse educational opportunities for
law students and current and future leaders in the
sports industry, while also providing a national
forum   for the  thoughtful  consideration and
discussion of American  and International sports
law issues.


        On Thursday,  September  25 and Friday,
September  26,  2003, the National  Sports Law
Institute and the  International Association of
Sports Law hosted an International Sports Law &
Business  in  the 21st  Century  conference  at
Marquette  Universityis Alumni Memorial Union.
Conference    sponsors    included    American
Appraisal Associates, the law firm of  Foley &
Lardner, College Sports Inc., Scheer~ame Sports
Development,    LLC,    and   Miller   Brewing
        The two-day  conference featured several
panels focusing on various facets of international
sports law and business. In depth descriptions of
each panel can be found in Volume 14, Number  4
of For the Record.  What  follows is a listing of
the participants in each of the conference panels:

               YEAR FA RKIE1   / ontinued on page 2.

anuary - March 2   4
      Volume 15, Number 1

   2003 Master of the Garne Award Winner Donna de V arona and
               NSLI Director Mant Mitnen

TUESDAY,  MARCH   16, 2004
Annual Sports Law Alumni Career Panel
Marquette University Law School, Eisenberg Memorial Halt
(5:30 pm - 7:00 pm)

SATURDAY,   APRIL 17, 2004
Annual Sports Law Society olf Outing
Silver Spring Country Club

NSL  s Annua Awards Banquet
Wisconsin ('lb, Milwaukee W1. 5 - 9 pm

FRIDAY, MAY  7, 2004
Practical Advice for Sports and Entertainment Lawyers,
Sports & Entertainment Law Section of the State Bar of
Monona Terrace, Madison, WI, 10-45 am - 12:35 pm

  For more information on NSLI events please see the NSLI
      website at htp://Iaw marquette edu/jw/nsi!events.

* YEAR  IN REVIEW,  pgs. 1-12.
* NEW  FOR  YOUR  BOOKSHiiELF,  pg. 11,

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