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14 For the Record 1 (2003)

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rtsnude . hn

     Ethica     ssues    n  Sports   &
     Entertainment Law        Seminar

       On  Friday, March 21, 2003 the National
Sports Law Institute of Marquette Untivertty Law
School  and the  Sports &  Entertainment Law
Sectton of the State Bar of Wisconsim will he
hosting a seminar onl Ethical Issues in Sports &
Entertaintnent Law at the Marquette University
Law  School. The senarl is co-sponsored by the
Marquete    Univeriy   Sport   Law    Alumni
       The  Seminar  will mnlude  two panels
The  first panel wil focus on Generl Ethial
Conderation   in Sports & Entertuainent Law
and include the folloing; presentations Martin
Greenberg, Managing  ID)iector of ScheerGame
Spors  Dev elopmnn     Milwaukee,  will speak
about  Ethtcal Consations in Representng
Sports Fcilty Client; T:n Baldwin, Director of
lFax  & Business Consulting, Empowered
Financial Associates in Ml waukee w ill speak on
Conflicts of  Interest in the  Entertaiunent
industry, and Kevin Gibson, Assistant Professor
of Philosophy and F aculty Member of the Center
for Dispute Resolution E ducation at Marquette
Unliersity will spea on Sport and Ethics for
       The second panel will focus on Lawyers
as Sports Agents and  include Paul Anderson.
NSLI   Associate Director who  will speak on
Athlete Agent Regultions and the Model Rules
of Professiona Conduct; Eryn Doherty, with the
National Labor Relatins  Board  in Milwaukee
will discuss Player Agent Regulation and the
National Labor Relatons Act, i. Gordon Hylton,
Associate  Professo  of0  Law   at Marquette
University wil speak on Ethical (ortsiderations
of Lawyers Acnng  as Sports Agents, and Daid
Papke, Professor of L aw, Marquette University,



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             Voume 14, Number 1

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              Sports Law
          Alumni Association

FRIDA1110 111RH 210,
'thical Isues in Spors &    Entertainent Lw  emnrr

follow H inEsunherg Memialn Hal1l Sponsored y the Natio al
Sports Law Instiute and the Sports A& Lntrainlmnt Law
Sectun of the Stater ar of\Wisonsin
I RIDA1, APRIL 25, 2003
National Sports L aw Institte Annual Awas BanMrque ilton
Milwaukee C enter Miwauuke Wisconsin.

    *OOOOea@a*O eO 0O9OO 000O9
will speak  about  the Cultural Iuge   of  the
Professional Sports Agent.
       The  Seunar   is from 2U00 - 5:30 pm  in
room  307 of the Law  School   A  reception will
follow in the Eisenberg Memorial Hall in the Law
School.  Registration is $75 for NSLI or Sports &
Entertainment Law Secton Members,  and $100 for
all other attendees To register for the Seminar or
for more Informatlun on the event please contact the
NSLI  at (414) 288-5815 or check the NSL I website
at http cwww marquette edu lawsports Cents htm

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