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12 For the Record 1 (2001)

handle is hein.blasports/fthrec0012 and id is 1 raw text is: 

For The Recor

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~bruary / March 2001

      Volume 12, Number I

IKW±~E~ImY±~ ~

FEBRUARX   15, 2001
NSI I \VorkThop. '[he Oio~e; and Knapp I)eeisions A
Judicial Perspectix e  II noi able Judge  I eren~e  I
lx ans, I nited States Coni t of Appeals fbi the Seventh

( iicuit

MAR(  1115, 2001
NSt I Workshop, From  tnequit~ to
Keeping the Promises Made to big-time
Athletes, Professor Rodney South, I terff
Cecil C, llumphreys School of Law,
M em nhi s

Oppor  tunity:
C hair in Lawx,
Univ ersity of

MARCH   29, 2001
Fourth Annual NSLI Career Panel
Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, WI
F'or further information, call 414-288-5815

APRIL 20, 2001
NSLI Awards & Scholarship Dinner
Marquette Unive sity Alumni Memorial Union
For further information, call 414-288-5815

* TRIM TE TO  AL VICMUiRU, pg 1-2 & 8
* NSLI Board Member Profile, pg. 3.

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