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10 For the Record 1 (1999-2000)

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For The Record

inaI  Sports   Law

Ni titutI




          drivn intisry  o spotsdlk rdio and tI I

       jornlit oralegdl   dfat+,tt ry  k   It trsh
tna'    uigarai             racst      prstl      is
eeedy,                   Te    la    days of the

per wek usull atl nihl discuss sports has1<

pr     L    D  o1 11 a cemplolhrI 24-houl f eeinlg
frenz  of aln ilnsaiale  iscussion10 of sports ad
th di::em inaton of spotinforation. lullhere
r    1 o    o L phi alor tnaloal   li itions  to
the heatd L  dat   about  p  rL filgures (athletes
owners,  coach1es, rferees, and the lik)  and its

1lamboyant   cus1ila  of pariciuadin   ld pbtI

nalianIk proportions part'   lularl  a i   radio
(a ler   and(1 r1adio hos C s oftel  i m !ake hars

radi mesaf flm    I Wd Ut a: protLcd spcech
or  do   ULh  . \ports talk satemelnL dmage a
sports figure's reputationl thereby entitling1 the
plintif   to compensatory   anid  possibly other

I The arnil fouses on sports iatk radio, hut a similar discussion
col be ma nde for other forms of media mincud ig public and cable
Ittvsionand. the Irtermetr
2Phildelphia raio stati.on WP-A is ba defendant in a lawsuitl
fil  by the Phiadelphia Flyers alleging that a cmrment made by
oneof th e shtow's radio hosts on-air regarding star player Eric
:ido Jmsin air game due to a hangover was false and
dam aged his reputation. See Mark C onrad, Sport\ T/k (ommean
< tonntiu< Mnoc, \ llI.J, June 6, 1997


-6 199

King  & Princ  BeLc  &  Gol  ResortSt.  Slions  slnd
   torga   Fe   ifrter ifrtion   all §02-852-59' .
APRIL   16. 1999

Marquete   nierity  Law  School, Milwaukee  Il
Io furth 1'r alit onnation call 4142858.

11Y   20-22, 1999
Spots   Lawyers Assciaetionl Annua Cofeence
Grand Hyatt, Washingon  [C
Fo 111thr   i atin '1a 703-43-4377
     S.                             I

* SP()RT Tb  1 K RAIOl   pp  1-4.
* \N  l I FAR IN R1 VIIFW  p   4-7
* D)S.1BILT1IS,.. IlLS  iFl\AR pg.7
*YMTCl  [Ind', ,p .8

                THE SPORTrING  AREN1

        Some   less puritan athletes these days strangle
their bos.s spit on each other, make obscene
gestures to millions of fans, intentionally rip the flesh
from  their opponent, and participate in bench clearing
brawls)   0thers, however,   serve  as  role  models,
charitable contributors, patriotic ambassadors and
model  citizens  Such polarity of behavior belies the
                SPORT   TALKARADIO  /comn i on page 2..

3  EIg, Latrell Sprew , ll1 Romanowski; Charles Barkley, Mike
4 Michael Jordan

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