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9 For the Record 1 (1998-1999)

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For The Record

The   Official  lo    letter  of the National Sports I  Institute

             Mqt UiversityLw Sc
             PFO1 Box  8581
             NMilwsaukee, Wisconsin 5S3201 1881                       Fel
             (7414) 288-5815 *'fax (414) 288-5S8'


ruary / March 1998
     Volume 9, Number 1

        Do Student   Athletes  With
  C.ardiovascular Irregularities Hav
      The  Right  To Compete? Who
      Decides? A Case 0vrvi

   (h., ~      \< Lc  1    i:[ I 1) -lov s u
               By~i Valeri  Theett case
    rduteStudent in Spots Manaement
         I nivrst of ais sachulese , Amhlers

         hsially disaled Jstudent athlete have
 roclaimd    the   ight   to   participate in
 ntrslast i   and  intercolleliat athletis for
 ue   olm  time, and tough  curll have Ised
 decisions ad opinions on mnn  different types
 of   ds abilities, there  have  been  ver e
 hions     on   athletes  ith  cadovasula
 irregulares and their right to play. The ces
 which have been  ecided  vary signlificantly in
 venue, raionale anustiiatieon.     With  the
 increasing number of ainment cases in the sports
 industry, n both the high shool and colleiat
 Llevl spor[ts practitioners have raised questions
 reeardine who shold] deterine if an athlete can
 I Impa!<  in1 the desired sport. as well as the
 liabilit of suc ae decision. This arcle will|
eamnine  the  most recent heart ailment court

deidd November 2 1996, hy the U. Co('urt
of  Appeals for the I iruil.2
        In   tis particular case Notrthwestern
declaredi   Knap medically ineligibl to
par ticipate in its inteceiate athletic program

   I  ahsa  [n   asrg  II .2 athle HIs,   o il h h scoo  age.
      d  HIrd Ir . lI  I To   f d  that in th  aI  month  fromli
        Augd 1, 195,to  ebrar1H , Il1  1Lh th1r wlre I 4 suchi
        d llths   am n  tlts e I   U L   Is ho L reeie  meIII a1
    clearance to compete.
2   101 F 3d 473 t7'' Cir. 1996).

\PRll  17 1998
Tb  I.  \n  '1   : r 1I

APR11I. 20, 1998
  r  Law    orkshop
llis T1. Skip Prine t
  Business Affairs, Natio

tsv ~vtnposiurn
Hall  University
nuing Legal Lius

Vijce Presidcnti
nat Hsckey Lea
w School

APRIL  221 1998

Prh. s    i Hli a Baker, De'aul '  l
i~ror,  Annual     ILecal Issues

Ma1quette In 1ives Law Shoo

and the New


Te evision &

eu ot Latw
  in Iniercol:lea.-

N1 LY 2N-30 1)98
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San  icion, Clrnia   1     alois-

  '      OO           INSIDEI. ..
* NL  W    \RI)  & N CH01ARSHIPS p
* RAVil   RPORTCRD p 6
  1 W R IN N, I'llA 1,01 R, L~7
* NSLI BEXP \FE pg.   .

as a resut o hart failur sluffere by Knapp prior to
enterint Is  senior year in high shool   and afer
signing a  lee   of intent wilth \Nrthwester n T he
court deterined  that Northwestern had the right to
make  its own deeminations  of substantial risk and
smeeity of injury, based on rliable evidence.
                RIGHTlTO OM1PIT  mid :n 1 h.

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