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8 1 (1997-1998)

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For The Record

'sletter of th  Natiow   1

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i 532011881
414) 281C58ll

               NSL1  LMINRS

             By:P'  M A~deno F it

     n Man119                 Nana   Sports

  Scol pnordt dct Iioal sem\inars

    TheL   fis   e  inar as ntitled Sorits

sem in dwaehe epets Lin thet field

Consel    th   NaialR   sciat ion( ofe Sports
fi'P  1. 1NAO) Bend Ku,  As istan

\aurot Asscaiin of Spos ONics Presidnt harryi \ne
addrlsse th Snonst   l s andve the Law Sminar audience

          February I March 1997

                     Volume 8 Number 1

I             kg±~I4~I'7±~:~

APR11  11 1997


'Problems of Sport Outside the Stadia'
~Xpex Room, Olympia London XV 14
For further inlbrmation call Pt 61 247

JUNE  3, 19~l
Master of th


Sponore  by the U Nainl  1r Law Inst

(8   TO8LR 2,.-25 1997
1Australian an New Zealtand Spos L
(AN\\/LA Annu al Conference

b Hat
it ut e

aw  Associl

* NBA  GAMEFDATA, pg2- .
*   NE  STADIUMS AND TH         ADA pgs.4-6 . .
* NEW   FOR  YOUR   BOOKSHELF, pgs. 6-7         .

       Approximately    70   oficieals,  athletic
 onitinll  body)  officals, altomeys, and athlletic
 adnitr  tor: were iIn attendance for this4 seminar,
 Attrney   Narol presntd a wide ranging icusslon
 focusing onl the many ca:es and de isions inol ng
 oficiials in the United Sta tes. Profe'sor Kuhn
 presentedi a comnparative studyl of German and
 A\mericanl liability isues concerm ing :port officials
 Professor Feill discused the recent inulden case
 which dealt with the legal liabilitty of a British sourts

 SEMINAR   continued on page 2.

Digitized from Best Copy Available


waukee, \Viseon~
21) 285i18l5 e flu

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