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2 For the Record 1 (1991-1992)

handle is hein.blasports/fthrec0002 and id is 1 raw text is: 

The Offcial Newslette- of the N atoa Sports Law Inorttuaw
Marqu.ette Univers tLaw Scho                                                   la_____t___itute______
1103 West Wsconsin Avenue                               MARQUETTE   UNIVERSITY  LAW/ SCHOOL
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
                  (41) 8&81                                             pril / May   1991

                                                                  Volume  2 Number  1


      NCAA  Executive Director Dick Schultz has
accepted an invitation to speak at the0 second
National. Sports Law Institute (NSLI Sports Busie
ness Forum on June 19, 991. Mr. Schulz has
announced his topic for the NSLI luncheon:
~Athletics In The 19's sA Decade Of Chang&
      The NSL Sports Bus ness Foru ao group
          o anroxma l 20 popleromhe reaer ilk

    NSLI Rik Management Presentation to the
    Mercy Sport Medicine Workshop
    Janesvile, WI

    Publication of the second issue of the
    Marque to Sports Law Journal

    NSUI Sports Business Forurn presents:
    DCK  SCHULTZ,  NCAA  Executive Director
    Marquette Alurmni Memorial Union,
    Milwaukee, W           see ar ideatlet)



      Chicago White box and hicago Uull
owner, and NSLU Board of Advisor memrber, Jerry
Reinsdr  addressed the inaugural meeting of the
National Sport Law Instiute Sports Business
Forurr on January 10, 1991 at th Mrquete
Universlty Alumni Memorial Union.
      Reinsdorf believes some basebal owners do
not always mnake sound busines judgements. For
instance, Reinsdor' said that the attempt by
Milwaukee Brewers owner Bud Soelg to buid a
private stadium is a very difficult project to com-
plete. Reinsdorf was introduced by Selg, who is
also a member of the NSLI Board of Advisors.
      Bud Selig obviously must be smarter than I
am to try to buil da stadium privately. We couldn'
do it We couldnt rnake sense out of itt Reinsdorf

      Here's a man (Selig) who owns a major
leaguJe basebal team and who wants to spend al
the money that he can marshal in the whole world to
build da stadium to keep his team ina smal Midwest-
emn city when he can pick up his team, move to
Floida, have a stadiurr buit for him, and make $15
or $20 million a year, Reinsdorf declared.
      On th issue o revenue sharing among Major
League Basebal ownrs, Reinsdorf thought
it was possible if done fairly
      I don't mind subsidizing the Seattle Mariners,
who run a really good operation. They are trying to
make  t, and they can't. ButrA does offend me to
subsidize the Kansas Cty Royals who are in a small
market and dont run an efficLent operation, Re
insdorf commented, I don't want to give (Royal
                REINSDORF / Continued on page 2...

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