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3 For the Record Extra 1 (1994)

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For The Record                                                                            N
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  1103 West Wiscnsin Avenue                                                               Sports Law
  Milwaukee, WI 53233              9                                       _           Institute
                                                                         MAROUETTE UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL
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        VOL.  3 NO. 2                     JUNE  1994                           ISSUE  22

        The   Legal Aspects of the Tonya Harding Figure Skating
        Eligibility Controversy

        BY MARTIN  J. GREENBERG,  NSLI Director
        and JAMES  T. GRAY, NSLI Assistant Director
               On January 6, 1994, United States figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was assaulted and
        suffered injuries to her right leg at a practice sessions prior to the National Women's
        Figure Skating Championships in Detroit. Government authorities conducting the criminal
        investigation concluded that associates of rival United States figure skater Tonya Harding
        were involved in the Kerrigan attack.
               Since the attack and their subsequent arrest, Harding's ex-husband Jeff Gillooly
        and Harding bodyguard  Shawn  Eckhardt have stated that they acted to harm Kerrigan
        with Harding's knowledge and involvement. In response to these allegations, Harding had
        denied any accusation which implicated her in the Kerrigan attack. However, Harding had
        publicly admitted she knew who was involved in the Kerrigan attack but only after the
        assault had occurred.
               In response to Harding's alleged involvement in the Kerrigan attack, the United
        States Figure Skating Association (USFSA) convened its Hearing Panel. According to the
        USFSA   Constitution and Bylaws, the Hearing Panel can consider eligibility disputes. The
        Hearing Panel also shall make written findings of fact which shall be final and make a
        written decision which shall include grounds for the decision. The probable basis for
        establishing that Harding violated the USFSA code of conduct was to weigh the credibility
        of Gillooly and Eckhardt, who maintained that Harding had knowledge of the Kerrigan
        attack plan, against Harding's denial of their testimony. The Hearing Panel also would
        have probably reviewed the circumstances of Harding's failure to advise authorities of the
        Kerrigan attack after knowledge came to her.
               On February 5, 1994, the Hearing Panel determined that reasonable grounds exist
        to believe that Tonya Harding violated the USFSA  Code  of Ethics. In addition, the
        Hearing  Panel also found that reasonable grounds  existed to believe that Harding
        committed  an act to carry out a plan and/or was involved in a plan to injure Nancy
        Kerrigan or knew about a plan to injure Kerrigan and either failed to oppose it, failed to
        report it, or made false statements about her knowledge concerning it.

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