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1 True and Impartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Containing, an Exact Account of the Nature of Its Government; the Power of the Proprietaries, and Their Governors 1759

handle is hein.beal/timpenn0001 and id is 1 raw text is: A
'Tiir    and IMPARTIAL StA Tt
Of the    Province of
An ekaft Accouii of the Nature of its Governmenit; the Power
of the Proprietaries, and their Governors; as well thofe
which they derive under the Royal Grant, as thofe they have
A S U MED in mainifeflt Violation thereof, their Father's Char-
ter, and the Rights of the People: Alfo, the Rights and
Privileges of the Affembly, and People, which they claini
under the faid Grant, Charter, and Laws of their Country,
CONFLRMED by the Royal Approbation.
With a true Narrative of the Difpute between the Governors
and Affemblies, refpeaing the Grants of Supplies fo often
made by the Latter, and rejeaed by the Former. In which
isdemoniffratdd, by incontefiable Voucheis, that ARBITRARY
Proprietary Inftruaions, have been the TRUE and ONLY Caufe
of the Refufal of fuch Supplies, and the late defencelefs State
of the Province.
The whole being a   ull Anfwer to the Pamphlets intitled A
BRIEF STATE, and A BRIEF VIEW, &c, of the
Unlimited Power is to wild and monfirous a Thing, that however it be to DE-
- SIRE it, it is as natural to OPPOSE it; nor ought ittobe truffed with any
mortal Man, be his Intentions ever fo juft : For befides that he will
never CARE to part with it, he will rarely DARE,
Cato's Letters.
That Men ought to [peak well of their Governors is ttue, while their Gove-r
nors DESERVE to be well fpoken of, but to do public Mifchief with-
out hearing of it, is only the Prerogative and Felicityof Tyranny : AFREl
PEOPLE will be fhewin at they are fo, by their FREEDOM  OF
SPEECH,                                            ibid.
Printed by W. DUNLAP, at the Newei-Printing-
1Ofce, M,DCC,L1X.

Reproduction by Permission of Buffalo & Erie County Public Library Buffalo, NY

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