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1 Severall Lavvs and Orders Made at the General Court: Held at Boston, the 23d of May, 1666, and on the 11th of October following 1666

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       Major General & Majors Power concerning eke Militia,



                          Made  at the


1eld at Bofton, the 3'd of .Yrdy, 1666.
             11th of Oaober following.

And on the

SRin ted and 'Pbbflhed hy Oder  of tbs General Court, dx fid 11rh of
   .~Olober, 1666,
                          By  EDwARD      RAWSON        Seer.

          Hereas th Cou,-t hath already provided for the well Ordering and
       r   fetrng the Miltia of this Cowmon-wealrh, a in tIe Laa tit. Mdi-
           tary,yet, forafmuch at many Complaints are pref nted to thu Court,
        '  that the faid Orders are not Jo attended as is to be defired, cax/iderng
the prefect unaure of affaires between our Englih Nation and forreign
Enemies, who are now engaged in a bloody warre, which calls for a prudentia en-
dearurof  our own fafety, itaiufl any forreign Inafion or fuddtnm Surprial;
ThisCourt doth therefore Order, andEna@,that the faid Military Laws be
by all perfons tberein mentioned, forthwith attended in all refpeds, and for the
better effeiing the fame, the ,1daior general isreqnired forthwith by warrant
under his band to the Mjors of the feveral Regiments, require them to make
diligentinquiry intothe fate of the feveral Companies under their charge,
and to be certified under the hands of the Commiflion Officers,or Chief Of-
ficers where no Commiffion Officers are, of each Company, of all defecs of
Armes, Amunition, or otherwife in every refpe&, and the faid Majors
refpe&ively are required, to give fpeedy advice to the Alajor General what
pofure their faid Regiments are in, and wherein the faid Majors cannot of
themfelves forthwith make redrefs of any defe&s in the laid Companies, the
faid Majors with the advice of the Major General have hereby power to ufe
all lawfull means to effe& the fame. And all inferiour Officers are hereby re-
quired to yield ready obedience to all fuch warrants feat to them by the faid
                                 A                           Majors,



Mafor Generdi
& Majors rower
to fee that all
the Armesoft!e
Country be req
dily fixt.

Penalty for de.
fes of Inferi
our officers.

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