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5 Reports of Sir Edward Coke Kt. in English, in Thirteen Parts Compleat 1738

handle is hein.beal/redwcoke0005 and id is 1 raw text is: 

        The  Fifth PART   of  the



  Sir   Edward Coke Kt.



Divers Refolutions and Judgments given with
  great Deliberation, by the Reverend Judges and
  Sages of the Law, of Cafes and Matters in Law
  which were never refolved or adjudged before:
  And the Reafons and Caufes of the faid Refo-
  lutions and Judgments, during the moft happy
  Reign of the moft Illuffrious and Renowned
  Queen EL  IZ ABE  9IH, the Fountain of all
  JUSTICE  and the LIFE of the LAW.

With REFERENCES   tO all the BOOKS  of the
  COMMON LAW      as well Ancient as Modern: And
  the PLEADINGS in ENGLISH, carefully
  Revifed and Correcded.

Qid enim laboro, nyl ut veritas in omni queflione explcetur ; serum
     dicentibus facile cedam. TU L. Tufc. quza. lib- 3.

           In  the SAVOY:
Printed by E. and R. Nuv T, and R. Go s L I N ., (Afligns
  of Ed-w. Sayer Efq;) for U. diofting, W. Pcars,
  W. 3nyp and U. Sanb     E. lcotuare, f. ClaV,
  al. War?), 3. and jB. Unapton, Z. Waotton, E. Long
  man, ow. E5otne, Z. Esbome, ). Iintot, and
  X. Waller. M.DCC.XXXVIII.

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