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1 New State of England, under Our Present Sovereign Queen Anne 1702

handle is hein.beal/newslasqu0001 and id is 1 raw text is: THE
Under Our Prefent Sovereign
In Three PARTS. -
1. A  Genetal Account of ENG LAND. With a pard*
cular befcriprion of its feveral Counties, Cities, Vniver.
fieks, Markets, and Burougb-Towns : And a Survey of
II. Of the Original, Temper, Genius, Language,:rade) Religion
and Government of the EN GL IS H. Of che .,VE E 's
Prerogative, Power, Court, and Revenues, &c.  Of the
Nobility ad Gentry, Clergy and Commonalty.
With a Succint Hflory of the K INGS and Q UE E N S
of England, to this Time.
ITT. A Defcription of the High Court of Parliament, Privy
Council, and all Courts of Judicature.
The Fourth Editition, with a Supplement ofthe New Eftablifhed
Officers in Church and State, to September 1702. And a
Lift ofthe prerent Parliament.
Printed by R. 7. for H. Mortlock, and 7. Robinfon, in
St.Paul's Church.Yard. 1702.

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