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56 St. Louis B. J. 1 (2009-2010)

handle is hein.barjournals/stloubj0056 and id is 1 raw text is: VOL. 56                  SUMMER 2009                   NO. 1

What Can the Court Do? Evaluating Your Appeal
By Erwin 0. Switzer, Dawn M. Johnson and Robert L. Duckels ........... 4
Perfecting Your Appeal in Missouri
By  Tim  othy  C . Sansone   .............................................................................  12
The Rules of Appellate Brief Writing
By  G retchen  G arrison  .................................................................................  20
Crafting Persuasive Briefs for Missouri Appellate Courts
By Geoffrey G. Gerber and JoAnn T. Sandifer ......................................... 28
Change in Missouri's Appellate Courts
By  Richard   A . A hrens  .................................................................................  36
The President's Page
B y  D ale  M . W ep pner .....................................................................................  3
Kindred Spirits --
Luther Ely Smith and Malcolm Woods Martin - Part I
By  M arsh all  D . H ier  ....................................................................................  42
Books in Brief
John Grisham, The Associate
B y  Ju dge  A rth u r  L itz  ..................................................................................  47
The Brief Case
By  C h arles  A . W eiss  ....................................................................................  48
Tax Wise
By Richard M. Wise and Angela L. Schisler ............................................ 53
Missouri Advance Sheet Quiz
B y  E dgar  T. Farm er  .....................................................................................  56

Board of Editors
Editor - John C. Rasp
Associate Editor - Jane Losby
Edgar T. Farmer          Charles A. Weiss
Marshall D. Hier         Richard M. Wise
The Hon. Arthur Litz
Copyright © 2009 by The Bar Association of
Metropolitan St. Louis

President ....................................................... Dale M. Weppner *
President-Elect ............................................. Thomas G. Glick *
Vice-President ............................................... Bruce E. Hopson
Secretary ......................................................... Heather J. Hays
Treasurer .............................................................. Jon M. Bars
Past President ......................................... David E. Crawford, Jr.
Members-at-Large ................................................. Seth A. Albin
..........................................................................  Patrick  I. C havez
..................................................................... Henry  M . DeW oskin
...........................................................................  Joseph  A . Frank
........................................................................... Annette P. Heller
.........................................................................  M egan  E. Phillips
................................................................................ Tracy  R .  R ing
........................................................................... A nnette  E. Slack
........................................................................... D avid  R . Trum an
ABA Delegate I ................................................... William  R. Bay
ABA Delegate 2 .................................................... John R. Gunn
Young Lawyers' Division .......................... Kathryn B. Forster *
Business Law .................................................... James R. Keller
Criminal Law ................                  Christopher M. Desilets
Employee Benefits ......................................... Matthew Leppert
Family & Juvenile Law ........................................ Lisa Faulstich
Labor & Employment Law ............................. Corey L. Franklin
Patent, Trademark & Copyright .................. Douglas E. Warren
Probate & Trust Law .......................................... Cynthia Bottini
Solo & Small Firm       Practitioners ............ Ronald G. Wiesenthal
Suburban Lawyers ....................................... Aisling A. Murphy
Taxation ........................................................ Joseph W. Mooney
Trial ...................................................................... Tracy  H. G ilroy
Women in the Legal Profession ............ Rebecca A. Nickelson
Presidential Liaisons
........................................................................ C ountess  W . Price
.............................................................................. Susan  L. W ard
........................................................................  Randy  B. Haym an
YLD Chair-Elect ..................................................... Kerry C. Feld
Executive Director ................................................... Zoe W. Lyle
*Executive Committee Members
The St. Louis Bar Journal (ISSN 05813344, USPS
002055) published quarterly for $12.00 per year for mem-
bers, subscriptions for non-members not available, by The
BarAssociation of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), 720 Ol-
ive, Suite 2900, St. Louis, MO 63101 (314-421-4134). Pe-
riodicals postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri, Postmaster:
Send address changes to: The St. Louis Bar Journal c/o
The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, 720 Olive,
Suite 2900, St. Louis, MO 63101. The Opinions expressed
herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily in
conformity with those of the editor or with those of The Bar
Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. Direct advertising
inquiries to Sherry Wilhelm at 314-280-1175. Acceptance
of advertising does not imply endorsement of products ad-
vertised or listed nor of statements concerning them.


The St. Lou~sBa

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