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43 St. Louis B. J. 1 (1996-1997)

handle is hein.barjournals/stloubj0043 and id is 1 raw text is: VOL. XLIII              SUMMER 1996                   NO. 1

In This Issue
Deferring Taxable Gain in Real Estate Exchanges
By Thomas A. Boman ................................................................................. 4
A Practical Look at Characterizing a Portion of a Settlement Payment
as an Amount Received On Account of Personal Injuries or Sickness
By Christopher L. Craig and Raymond S. Kreienkamp ....................... 10
Sales Tax Goes High Tech
By  Lori W   . Jones ......................................................................................   18
The Missouri Sales and Use Tax Resale Exclusion
By Carole Lewis Iles ................................................................................. 24
New Rules For Missouri Nonprofits:
The Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Act
By Steven B. Mitchell ...............................................................................  30
The President's Report
By  Thom  as M  . Burke ................................................................................................   3
On The Lighter Side
By  John  F. M edler, Jr ................................................................................................  38
Recent Additions to the Bench
By  Stephen  J. O'Brien  .............................................................................................   40
Books in Brief
The Judge
Reviewed by Judge Arthur Litz ........................................................................... 43
Thomas C. Reynolds' Leap into Eternity
By  M arshall D . H ier ................................................................................................   44
By  Richard  M  . W ise ...............................................................................................   47
Missouri Advance Sheet Quiz
By  Edgar T. Farm   er ................................................................................................   50
Letter  to  the  Editor .........................................................................................  51
Board of Editors
Editor - John C. Rasp
Associate Editor - Linda D. Rice

Edgar T. Farmer
Marshall D. Hier
The Hon. Arthur Litz

John F. Medler, Jr.
Stephen J. O'Brien
Charles A. Weiss

Copyright @ 1996 by The Bar Association of
Metropolitan St. Louis

Board of Governors
President............................................... Thomas M. Burke
Presdent-Ee         ............................. Tracy Hunsaler Gilroy
Vie-Presi          .................................... Reuben A. Shelton
Secretaty .................................... Carol Chazen Friedman
Treasurer ........................................ DennisJ. Capriglione
PastPesident ................................ Kathleen S. Slcene
M1enbe   s-at-Lar      ............................................ JanAdams
....................................................................... Willam R Bay
............................................................ Deirdre C. Gallagher
...................................................................... Pat]ricia A H-t
.............................................................. 6,1111111 M. Hegelman
............................................................... Willlam  K  Hollend
........................................................................ Lorl W.Jorles
................................................................ Randall J.  einker
...........................................................  ard A. Sha lowlz
........................................................... Joseph E. Walsh, Jr.
ABa4 Delegatel ....................................... Michael P. Gunn
AB4 Delegate2 .............................. Richard B. Teitelman
Young Lay-e'DMsion .......................... Joan M. Swartz
Business Law ........................................ Phyllis Schauffier
Cminal Law ....................................... John F. Garvey, Jr.
Laborand &rpE       ffnent Law ................. Da*l R. Begun
Patn Trademarkand
CqoWjW        .......................................... Robet M. Evns Jr.
Probate and Trust Law ....................... Ann Carroll Wells
Sob and Smal/FrPa                   s ................... Lynn Ricci
S&kub  bar Lawyeis ......................... R.Thomas Spedig
Taxadon ............................................... Vincent J. Garozzo
That ............................................................ Philip C. Denton
PresidentalLiaison ........................ Anthony J. Soukenik
AesibderiNLiaison ...................... Hon. Angela D. Turner
CLERerwentake ................................. Steven B. Gorin
Y/D Chair-Elect ........................................ Michael C. Todt
Produced By
Legal Communications Corporation
612 N. 2nd Street, St Louis, Missouri 63102
(314) 421-1880
St. Louis Bar Journal (ISN 05813344, USPS 002055) pub-
lished quarterly for $12.00 per year for members, subscrip-
tions for non-members not available, by The Bar Associa-
tion of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), One Metropolitan
Square, Suite 1400, St. Louis, MO 63102 (314-421-4134).
Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri. Postmaster:
Send address changes to: The St. Louis Bar Journal c/o
The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, One Metro-
politan Square, Suite 1400, St. Louis, MO 63102. The opin-
ions expressed herein are those of the authors and are not
necessarily in conformity with those of the editors or with
those of The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis.
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