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35 St. Louis B. J. 4 (1988-1989)

handle is hein.barjournals/stloubj0035 and id is 1 raw text is: VOL. XXXV                             SUMMER 1988                                    No. 1
Officers of the Association

In This Issue
False Arrest and Malicious Prosecution Actions:
What Remains After Sanders and its Progeny?
By Thomas J. Casey and Stephen F. Meyerkord .............
Tortious Wrongful Discharge vs. Employment at Will Doctrine
By Russell F. Watters and Michael B. Maguire  .............
The Law Of Defamation -- When Speech Isn't So Free
By  Larry  W . G lenn  ...............................
Intentional Torts of Police Officers
By Michael E. Hughes and William  R. Werner  ...............
The Contractual Intentional Tort: Developments and Limitations
By  G erald  R. O rtbals  ..............................
The President's Report
By McPherson  D. Moore  ........................
In  Recognition - John C. Rasp  ......................
The Brief Case
By  Charles  A. W eiss  ...........................
Shaping The Future
Saint Louis University School of Law
By  Dean  Rudolph  C. Has  ..........................
University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law
By Dean Dale A. Whitman ...........................
By  Richard  M. W ise, CPA, JD . ........................
Recent Additions to the Bench
By  Sidney  Rubin  . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .
Books in Brief
The Socratic Method
Reviewed by Judge Arthur Litz ........................
Sample Jury Instructions in Civil Antitrust Cases
Reviewed by George M. Pond  .......................
Missouri Advance Sheet Quiz
By  Edgar T. Farm er  ..............................
Board of Editors
Editor - John C. Rasp
Associate Editor - Pamela J. Wise

President ....... .McPherson D. Moore
President-Elect . . . . Richard B. Teitelman
Vice President ..... .Joseph R. Soraghan
Secretary ......... Mary-Louise Moran
Treasurer ............. Mark Levison
Past-President ........ Michael P. Gunn
Member-at-Large  . . . . Terrence J. Good
Member-at-Large  . . . Deirdre O'Meara Ahr
ABA Delegates ....... Michael P. Gunn
Charles A. Weiss
Section Chairpersons

Business Law  . ...
.... 26      County ...........
Criminal Law  .......
Labor Law  .......
.... 33      Patent, Trademark
& Copyright  ......
.... 43      Probate  ........
Taxation ..........

Kathleen S. Schoene
Thomas M. Walsh
Arthur S. Margulis
• . .Jerry M. Hunter
. . .John W. Kepler
. . Thomas H. Mug
Stephen E. Cupples

Trial ........... Gerard F. Hempstead
Young Lawyers ...... Mark G. Ellebrecht
Executive Director .......... Ken Klein
Produced By
50      ADmore Publishing Co.
9701 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123
(314) 638-4050
St. Louis Bar Journal (ISSN 05813344, USPS
002055) is published quarterly for $7.00 per year
57     for members, subscriptions for non-members
not available, by The Bar Association of
58      Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), One Mercantile
Center, Suite 3600, St. Louis, MO 63101 (314-
61      421-4134). Second class postage paid at St.
Louis, Missouri. Postmaster: Send address
changes to The St. Louis Bar Journal, c/o The
Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, One
63      Mercantile Center, Suite 3600, St. Louis, MO
63101. The opinions expressed herein are those
64      of the authors and are not necessarily in con-
formity with those of the editors or with those of
The Bar Association ofMetropolitan St. Louis.
65      Direct editorial and subscription inquiries to The
Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. Direct
advertising inquiries to ADmore Publishing. Ac-
ceptance of advertising does not imply endorse-
ment of products advertised or listed nor of
statements concerning them.

Jack F. Allen
Lucy M. Davis
Edgar T. Farmer

The Hon. Arthur Litz
Mary-Louise Moran

Sidney Rubin
Charles A. Weiss
Richard M. Wise

CopyrightD1988 by The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis
Cover Art by Lucy M. Davis


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