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34 St. Louis B. J. 2 (1987-1988)

handle is hein.barjournals/stloubj0034 and id is 1 raw text is: VOL. XXXIV           SUMMER 1987               NO. 1

An Introduction
By  M ark  G. Arnold  ............................................ 4
The Dred Scott Case
By  M ark  G. Zellm er  ...........................................  7
Shelley v. Kraemer:
Herald of Social Progress and of the Coming Debate
Over the Limits of Constitutional Change
By  Thomas B. M cAffee ..................................... 14
Expanding the Constitution's Protections:
The Lasting Significance of Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co.
By  Erwin  Chemerinsky  .....................................  27
Voluntary Metropolitan School Desegregation in St. Louis:
Substantial Achievements and Broken Promises
By  D. Bruce  La  Pierre ......................................  34
Federalism and the Courts of the Union:
Is the Missouri Supreme Court Merely an Intermediate
Federal Appellate Court?
By  Dennis J. Tuchler ....................................... 42
The President's Report
By  M ichael P. Gunn  ...........................................  3
Shaping The Future
Saint Louis University School of Law
By  Dean  Rudolph  C. Hasl ................................... 50
An Earlier Fight for Women's Rights
By  Joseph  Fred  Benson .......................................  51
Books in Brief
Zechariah Chafee, Jr. - Defender of Liberty and Law
Reviewed by Judge Arthur Litz  ............................. 52
The Supreme Court and Its Justices
Reviewed  by  John  C. Rasp .................................. 53
The Brief Case
By  Charles A. W eiss ..........................................  54
Missouri Advance Sheet Quiz
By  Edgar T. Farm er .......................................... 58
Board of Editors
Editor-John C. Rasp
Associate Editor-Pamela J. Wise
Jack F. Allen    The Hon. Arthur Litz  Sidney Rubin
Edgar T. Farmer  KeltnerW. Locke     Charles A. Weiss
Mary-Louise Moran
Cover art by, Lucy M. Davis, B.S., R.N., J.D.
Copyright© 1987 by The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis

Officers of the Association

President ................... Michael P. Gunn
President-Elect ......... McPherson D. Moore
Vice-President .......... Richard B. Teitelman
Secretary ................ Joseph R. Soraghan
Treasurer .............. Stephen W. Koslovsky
Past-President ............... H. Kent Munson
Member-at-Large ........... Terrance J. Good
Member-at-Large ......... Mary-Louise Moran
ABA Delegates ............. Charles A. Werner
Charles A. Weiss
Section Chairpersons
Business Law ............... N. Kimasa Sindel
County  ......................... Mark  Levison
Criminal Law  ............. Jane Phillips Geiler
Labor Law  ..................... Joseph  Rohlik
Patent, Trademark
& Copyright ..................... Veo  Peoples
Probate & Trust ......... Edward L. Armstrong
Taxation ................. Michael Markenson
Trial ......................... Thomas J. Casey
Young Lawyers ................ William  R. Bay
Executive Director ................. Ken Klein
Publication Services By
Association Publishers
A Division of Association Management Professional, Inc.
P.O. Box 13066
St. Louis, MO 63119
(314) 534-4175
Robert J. Cimasi
Editor ................... Lisa A. Meyers
Production Manager ........ Joan Evers
Art Director ............ David R. Thorpe
Art Production .......... Lisa Donaldson
Photographer ........ Joseph Reinholdt
Account Executives ......... Carol Bach
Linda Myers
Cheryl Weber
Dennis Lewis
The St. Louis Bar Journal is published quar-
terly, in Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring by the
Bar Association of Metropolitan St Louis, One
Mercantile Center, Suite 3600, St. Louis,
Missouri 63101 (telephone 314/421-4134).
The opinions expressed herein are those of the
authors and are not necessarily in conformity
with those of the editors or with those of the Bar
Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. Direct
editorial and subscription inquiries to the Bar
Association of Metropolitan St. Louis. Direct
advertising inquires to Association Publishers.
Acceptance of advertising does not imply
endorsement of products advertised or listed
nor of statements concerning them.


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