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38 Bull. 1 (1997-1998)

handle is hein.baecl/buletin0038 and id is 1 raw text is: U S PuAa~c

Vol ~SNo 1                              ffalo N 'w- ork-Sptembr-199

by lYnn     eradotto
Shortly after I took over the presidency in June I
wee ved a card from a frIe ~d and committee chair that
sa o, Never ooubi that a small group of rhoughaul corn
mit cd people can change the w ~r d lnde'~d it is he only
hIng that ever has
That pint of teamwork s what makes your B a d of
Directors tick and what make this Ba Association o
s iong and acti c
crc is what ha be n happer ng with our Bar
Association over the su ~mei
On July 1 , 1997, I had the privi ege of addre si
approximately 00 mawyci being ad nitt d to the New XorK
State Bar in the Fourth Depart nent After the oath was
administered to the new lawyers Presiding Justice D nman
advised the ~ew y admitted lawyers that they should renew
tt at oath frequently in their future years as a lawyer. Good
advice for all of u
As pad of my me arks to the newly admitted lawyers, I
told a true story that I had heard in th Spring from the cur
rent Pr sider t of the New York S ate Bar Association
Joshua Pruzansky
Iwo clients, a man and xs ife came into his office and
toid himii anout aii cxpciiciicc they 'mad had iii a diiiei
They ordered bre kfast and the v oman wasn t satisf ed
with her first order of pancake o she sent them back and
asked for a new order She apparently wasn't satisfied
with the second order either but the waitress advised her
that it was the restaurant s policy not to replace food more
than or cc.
Sh reluctantly paid her hi I which had amounted to
something less th n $5 00 hen r Pmuzansky asked
he couple why they were telling him this pancake story,
hey replied by aying that they wanted to sue the diner
Prtrdn ky ~nquiwu 'Did yua g~t 'ock~' 'Wa there
ome foreign object in the pane ke ? [hey replied no'
to 1 oth que tior e h n advised the that lawsu
were v ry expersi and m w wild require a $10 0
me am ier fee
Whe i they null d ou thei che kbook he st pp d t 'icm
am d adv ed then that tfey did not ne d a lawy r they need
d a )nimittcc
So metric tIm be tadvice on I gve cheats istc
11 them that tic are being fooli h
or ward or POS( 2

Professor    av d   D    Siegel,
Distinguished Professor of Law at
Albany Law ~chool wil return to
Buffalo on ri ny, Sc 1. 12 o pines rt
his annual semi a on ew York C ivil
P actic and (P11
is CI L eminar s asomed by the
En Institute of Law, i slat<'d from
Siegel                  to  :3        at the Golden
allroom in h St tlci low rs wi h
registration st inn at 8 0 am
Professor Siegel, a rennial favorite lecturer for Bar
Association of Erie County membems has been sharing his
e ~pertise in Ne's York Ci' '1 Practie' w th th~ BAEC' s'n~
19 9. A member of th New York State Bar Advisory
Committee on Civil Practice and editor of the New York
Law Digest he s the author o w Ics in New York Civil
Procedure and Conflict I aws
His 1997 u ate will look it the following topics
among others
o New statutes and followup developments,
* Reduction of statute of limitations of legal malpractice
claims and questions of retroactivity;
* Making courLordered services available against corpo
* Limitation plac d on peremptory challenges,
* The worker s compensation change on impleading
employers with continuing neti nactivity issues

* Developments mu the various procedural Ic i ands
of tie fil ng system including Court of App al
adopt on ml ris'i iuie icr applying requir rr am
defeada it s waiv in of inequminermeats d ten tar
att apt to wit draw f oi m infant s ettl' a
befoic court ~p rova state s adoptic a of so calle I
constitution ml tor eft ct if bankinupte ay o
sic f min actions, incluc rag ioreclc sn i, effect mf
failure to imely p~?y the anion it of settlement
lamntiff's famlur to probe efense at lays blame
on others, casualness abc ut notifyi g legal immal
practice insurer forf it c mvera~e Antiel 6 right
of defendant with nondelegable du y, Court
Appeal' 'e a ~ treatment of 60 day em'tr, p~
sion, restitution in tort case wh n it undoes plain -
tiff s new lifestyle failure to include
C oaf ide itial' on ailing to place of usine s
restraining anot en's bank account if judgment
debtor uses it, nature of pinoceeding f in confirmirg
arbitration a yard tnivo ity sanction for inc s in g
trial a case in wh ch party's only witne s can t tes
tify any and all procedural changes made by t e
delayed 199 Legislature and more
The renistra i ma fee is $70 for AFC members. $100
for mon mcmb ins mandont materials a e $ S ft r ttose w o
cannot attend [or details phone Cli Cot indinator
Marshia J cC arthy at 8 2 86V

B                                  Aeret   anA   citio oe m  is ir
Pro                             sun BuoknAar fr po on l igtir o v
11  v1    1   1j 1    on ufl  hl ips Ntle  iti  cok , P. a ac
a rta n K i  sn oftanda sc ae 1 iAdI Samh
ned iv dthe awad!for thirSco imaning rleswarhI ig On
A,                               ing3 th dJoint u  and o  InFPura nePic  e  ecn a( IP) 1 aiceo
Secon: Lisa L Smith and Alan P.WASishof tPhillips, Lytle, pei u of l'AwK

tUI~flCO K,  .t....&..u.er

continued on page 4

1             1..............

... .... ...

The Bar Assoc'mata   f E'e  County

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