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21 Bull. 1 (1980-1981)

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MonhlyPubicaion of the Bar Association of Erie County

Buffalo, N.Y.
Permit No. 416

VOjL. 21 - NO. 1



-President's Letter

Y our Association hias been very busy
over the summer months. Committees
hav-,,e been forlmed and meetings have
been scheduled. An early start has been
ma, :de toward progressing the work of
your organization in the coming year.
The Public Education Comimittee is
working to complete its program- for
presentation in all news media. The
Insurance Comnmittee is evaluatinJg a
numnber of p-roposals presented to it so
that the best insurance programs for our
mi,,embers are selected. The Arbitration
Commrnittee will report shortly- on its
program for the resol1ution of fee
disputes. A -report is expected by a
commi-ittee , appointed to; stu-dy the
proposed-1 Model Rules of Professional
Cond-uct, The propocled rules-designed to
-replace the Ameri-
0' can Bar Associa-
tion's ten year old
Code of Prof es-
sional  Responsi-
bility-w .ere draft-
e d by the Associ-
a-tion S Commis-
sion on evluation
of professional
standards, chaired
by Robert KutakIi:o f
Omaha. These pro-
p osed  cha~znges
contain a number
Basi IR ,jaza of controversial
provisions which warranit'serio-us studaly
by all lawyers, since they willI greatly
dffect the conduict of e-,ve.ryn'prcie
Inoratonis biggahrdwhich wl
resuilt in the' form--ation of a permaz~nenat
-oninittee to Respond to Unwarranted
C_'riticism  of Courts and Judges.
Meanwhile, all other- comit~tees are
scheduling meetinigs and orga-nizinag for
the coming year--.,
Yo ur officers have attended a number
of functions during the sumimer mnon.,ths,
including the(_ meeting of the New York
State Bar As;:sociation House of Dellegates
in Cooperstow.n, New York. The
Committee on Judicial Administration
formulated to study and report on the
Plan -of the Office Court Administration
found tension between the Judiciary and
Jud .IcialAdm2 -InIstratos,& sharp'L   criticism4

Workshop on Reducing Trial Court
Delays, in Columbus,,Ohio, conducted by
the Institute for Court Manag emaent and
the National Judicial College in comnpany7
with Administrative Justice Kane, Justice
Johnso--n  and  other miemibers of the
Bench/Bar Committee. It was an
intensive   course in which very
comprehensive calenda-r procedures were
presented on a highly organized and
inform at iv-;e basis, Our group worked
with simlilar groups from Cleveland,
Ohio-. There-- was a m?-utual ecag of
ideas, discussions of each others
calendar practices, the problems
a.s.sociate-.d therewith, the areas in which
chcang res could prove mnost productive, the

nature an 'd form  of such proposed
changes, and the goals to be achiieved. It
is anticipated certa,-in other. innovations
in our calendar pra  ctlice imay be adopted
as a result of our experience and
exchange of* informiation with other
g roups at the Columbus mreetingr. Justice
Kcane(_ continues to be maost receptive an1d
responsive to- the  suggestions of the
lawx.yers on. the Benich/Barx Committee.
A  Metropolitan    Bar L eaders
Conference was held in Honolulu,Hawaii
icojunction with the anua-eeting of
the American Bar Association. A series
of workshop meetingss conduct-ed at
which Bar Presidents of Bar Associations
wvith members in excess of two thousand
participated. Such  is-_-sues facing the
Organized Bar as use of non-lawyers in
operation and governanlce of the Bar;
coniducting judicial polls, long r-ang ,e
planning;, and methods of mtvtn
members were thoroughly discussed. The
larger Bar Associations, including Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Indianaolis
Cleveland, Houston and Dallas have
some kind of non-law ,yer participation at
the present time. 'Most of theni permit the,
non-lawyers to vote on substantive
matters. Chicago has a non-participatory
Advisory Board made up of outstanding
citizens in thecomnt        who are
encourage.---d to afdw'tse. and recommend
areas of commlunity -!pairticipation by the
Organ-ize-d Bcar. Each of the organizations
so permitting lay participation seem-s to
agree unta.-Inously that -a gTreater
cred Ibili ty  andacpac     in the
commuity as be n ac-hieved. The
ad-visability of th'e adoption of these
procedures will be an area for discussioni
by your Association in thle future,
MNIaryan.-n Freedmnan . attended a
meeting  of the Erie, Monroe and
Onondagi~a Ba-r Associati'on in Can-
andaigua w,,,here a discussion was had
with Judges Evans and Sise of the Office
of Court Adm-iinistration. Calendar
practices, arbitration programs, and
atssignmnent of Jucdges were thoroughly
discussed. A candid exchange of ideas by
all participantss  had (on all subjects.
It is anticipated glrelater cooperation and
understanding may be achieved between

Association enjoys among members of
the Organized Bar. We continue to urge
all lawyers to demon-s trate th.-.eir iterest
by aictive participation in the work of the
comittesanteactivities- of their
organization. Only with the participation
of all lawyers can your organization
continue to grow in numbers and in

Annual Red -Mass On Thursday, SeptemberZ

The aLnnual Red Mass for      Michelle  Penca, Coordi-
puiblic of flicials and3 members nator of Buffalo's Rapid
of the Bench and Bar wil'l be Transit Miall, will ad-_dress the
celebratedl by Bishop Edward  Cathedl.!, under the sponsor-
Head at 12:10 P.M., Thuvrsday, shaip  of the Thom)as  Mr
September 25, in St. Joseph's, Guild.

Guild at a luncheon in.
Plaza Suite immedial
followingc- the Mass. Rese
tions, may be- made
contacting Jaimes F. Kol
17 Court Street, Buffalo,
14202 (Phione: 856-4022).-

Sunmary, of Activities of
The Erie County Bar Assn.
By Carol J. Scat
(Executive Director)
The Annual Report for 1979-80 contains some interesting
infori.mation, I aim veryT proud of our records of
accomplishments this past year, and hope you are too
because this report is basically a report of your efforts on
behalf of your professional, organization. We e all been
very busy ajnd I think the following will bear this ot:t

The membership of the
Erie County Bar Association,
as of July 1, 1980, totaled
2,317. During the year the
Board approved 207 mnember-
ship- applications and mourned
the de()ah of 15 of its members.
Sixty-two   miembers were
dropped from the rolls for
nonpayment of dues and 149
new cattorneys were admitted
to practice during th11.e year.
La wyer Referra-l Service
Throug-h. our Lawyer
Referral Service we put 1,512
clients in touch with one of
the, 427 attorneys partici-
pating in the progiam. Th-is
averages   to' about, six
referrals each working day.
So mnany of oiur Commrit-
teescoribute sigxnificantly
during rthe yer.1he ollow,,ing
is miere~ly a highlighat of some
of thie activities andl does not
-fully refl'ec-t the enormious
amiount of volunteer hours
your Boar,.d and the members
of all of our 63 Committees
have devoted on behalf of thie
Association. K~eep this in
mind, as you read on. 203
Committee meetings were
held during the year and the
Committees. that met most
often were: Real Estate (12
times), Banking Law (11
times), Professional Ethics (10
times), P & P In Surrogate's
Court (10 times), Coimm-ercial
Law (9 times), Human, Rights
(times), and Criminal Law (9
Bar Association Foundation
A special Ad Hoc Com-
mittee to review the Bar
Association's Fou ndation
resulted in' a complete

By-Laws Committee
Our By-Laws Committee
cannot be thanked enough for
completely rewvriting the By-
Laws of the AssociAat[ion. We
have been patching otir By-
Laws over the years with
amendments to various
sections and after many houirs
of - work and drafting, in
March of this. year the
50   members voted to adopt our
neWxt By-Laws- which will offer
a b'etter base from which your
teBar. Association and Commit-
,tely- tees can work.


Continuing Legal Education
The Continuing LegalI
Education Committee spon-'
sored nine program~s this yea-r,

on various legral topics. Our
members show la keen interest
in our Continiuing Legal
Education Programs, which is
clearly revealed in the
number of attorneys attend(1-
ing; over 1,100 people last
year. The Committee plans to
cio11ntiue this high' level of
programing and tis sme
our Course on- Criminal
Defense, a. three-day progrfam,
drew ca re:.cord at-dtendance at
one programn of 160 attorneys.
Early in September, our
Continuing rLegralEduccation
Committee wllconduct (a
seminar to be presented by
Professor David Siegel on
recent developmients in Ithe
Grievance and Arbitration
Our ArbitrationComt
tee resolved 18 fee disputes
and ourGreacComte
processed 302 comnpla-)ints.
Noon Day Meetings
This Cor.mmiittee pr-esented
18 one houi programis on
xvarious suhjects-of interesft to
to Bar. For thosze of you1. who
Contriinued on page four
Up-Date on N.Y.
Civ11 Pr a c tic e
And the CPFLR
An Up-Date on New York
Civil Practice and the CPLR
featuring Professor -David
Sie-gel of the Albany Law
S chool will be presenited by
the Erie Cotunty Bcar Associa-
tion on  Saturday, September
27, in the Moot Courtroom,
SUNYAB School of Law,
Amherst Campus.
kRegistration  and  coffee
will be from 8 to 9:*00 A.M.

the Bar Association.
Registration fee is $,3.5.00.
Programi materials, to include
case citations and various
statute7.pitations are included
in tLhe cost of registration.
Law students planTning   to
atnd should contact Carol
Scal at Bar H--eadq-uarters,
17?58 S,--tatler Hotel B-ulding,
Buffalo, N.Y. 14202(8267)

See Special Pullout
Insert Inside Listing
1980-81 Bar Committejes

- ------------


MENEM                                    ANIL

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