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15 Bull. 1 (1974-1975)

handle is hein.baecl/buletin0015 and id is 1 raw text is: I        PulicaionOf The Bar Associatjon Of Erie County


v6t. 15-NO- i


iflE M-L--- 1974  ----- ------__::
Erie Counfy Bar Receives ABA's Award of iv erit

resident's Lettet
Dear Fellow Members
(rvunty Bar Association Deserves Award] This was the caption
of an &itorisl that appeared in the August 23, 1974 edition of the
B ffalo Courier-Expre~s The editonal continues, 'we salute the officers
and members of tire Erie County Bar Association, whose work in es-
stablishing a program whereby legal services may be charged to a credit
I F as earned the organization a prestigious Award of Merit from the
Ani erican Bar Association? The master planners of the Master Charge
were our beloved pa. r president,
Mr. Robert Koren and Frank
~ Whitcher recently elected to our
ard of U ectors. As your Presi-
dent I w enely proud to havc
n present this award by the
President of tire American Bar As-
sociation, James F. Fellers, at the
?~ annual neeting of that association
~ in Honolulu on August 14, 1974 I
~tsY&ut~                         was literally bcsicgcd with ques-
tions from the bar executivos f urn
~V&1~9tF                         all over thc country, who all ex-
~           p e sed mt re t in adopting our
M ret C margc Plan. Our Bar As-
o'iauon has gained national re
cog mition as a re ult of rims preset -
tatior. Thc L Couny Bar As
ocr Con will continue to be 1 ad ri
n the I livery of competent pro-
Mr Runfola             I es io mal 1 gal crvmces to the com-
WY at ti c n entron I d~scussed the sta of legal car in
A r c itl a a my k mowledgeabic people liv yers, judg s, bankers,
r 1 s s doct rs bus ness leader and writers. I was shocked by the
w de<pread c nicism r ward our profession. Everyone coin ent d on
r dcl v associated with securing iustice, on irs uneven applicar n,
a r s proh Wove cost. This attitude is exempl~fied by a re em
lea r o t ed rot of rYe New York Times whic a concluded: The
Iv s y cc s nt quared, a edreval, gros ly inetfic ent and de-
r r bly a farlur I e pour, the old, the disadvantaged receive far
Ic a n r a it du in 1 g 1 care, and they have no insurance of any
ir d FurrY c r ~rc, I ll v ag r that it is just about as easy to be ruined by
y u I IbIl mit srobr uincdbyyour medic lbills'
1 s and Jar v ews of the I gal p ole storm are danger to the
1 w as well s to law ers To rmee such er ci i ro overcorme the
r iou ting skepri iii a b at our profession I pro ised in my first letter
r at rI e Erie C unry Bar Association will demonstrate in spec ftc ways,
our co a it rent to justice for all sr ors of our society. As Mr. Justice
Stew a has observed the law is a public profession. It must also be a
public service. Jusnec must become a reality in the 1 yes of all Amen-

lierlealse  iestoth W'algroup7,Athe11 n pma ny touanscwo -reno
poo Seouh 1t.rcve ass71,Istnefom leal an d nor1 frluen7 enoug
pledged1thatnour Associatio is1irrevocably commiteltolthe prsi
shipcte bestplanonrAmerathTh comm ttee chairmen John Qun
and~~~~~~~~~~ J.. alh.av.benintr.td.o.or coslywih.urInurnc

Federal Regulation
f Home Settlement
Charges Is Opposed
Newsletter of
the Amnenicama flax Assoematron re-
fivrta firSt a ta~~p offmcma1 of the
Department of Hotisimag and Pr-
baa Development recently told the
en Affairs tTh&t lit is virtu fly ian-
passable to regulate settlement
eo4~ 'an Ion-~o~o > the salt of
Sheldon B. Lubar, or Assistant
S     uy 0         and Conamis-

toner f theFoferliHouing Ad-
nit, ionl. soi  'I s mnrent4
-tt ,., even1i it cold be vconlud-
o : hAtYeea  ealfu     fst

Tt~15rAa N
C          ma w        dedra-
ti a   mo~ n   an    t a onta
I n noci 'clanAmenierEur
/ ociam a Avaxi of M 'I The
A r t par tedeaclaycarto
Barr ~ ±xt±±  ehdN~
tin ' out r i s vice Ia ta~
enem- I public and ~ the legal
J p1 P Ru toW, Preedent of
the ECRA formally a'eepted it
Award on Augu t 14 in Honolulu
Pasta m at a lv ate r 'Aaoim&ored
by tYe ABA S ion of Bar Anti
vitres or eonju act o a with fir
ABA's c t ua UflMR
M Rue Ia, e nter in the
above ph   flank ci by James
B F lIer~ Cf flkirjiramo ~i xr flkia
revyc  ecPtad oftirena
troral or enizutron amd James J
Blerbowe , of Wasl~r an, B C
Chamrma 1 ol tee S otion of Bar
Alavit cs who p tIded at the
luneheo a Mn Fe lets presented
the A ard
Principal speaker at the affair
was Wllllam B Ruckleshaus, f or-
nrc U S Deputy A torney Gear-
The SOBA wa embed for its of-
forts to help make legal services
more naadily available it the pub
ii-., Several months ago it entered
Into an agreement w~ Ia time Liben-
ty National Bank and Trust Chum-
I pany that provIdes fOr a Citarge
It ' financing meet for legal
TIme plan has been refereed it as
the brain child of M. R&bert Ken-
en, immediate Past President of
the Bar often, The notion
grew from a feeling among at-
Judge BurreD Honored
Hon. Robert A Bum-nell Assort-
ate Judge of the Gity COurt of
Buffalo received the Evans-Young
Award of th~ Buffalo Uthan
League notently for his consIstent
dedication and commitment to the
causes of human dignity, equal
op~rturnty and total otummururty
understanding ' The presentation
was made at the onganizatlon's an-
anal din men nmee'dn rim the Statler
Hilton Hotel
Monthly Chuckle!
All the testimony was in the I
I record The Judge focused his I
attention on the defendant I
I audi a ked~                I
4 Why did y u break your

true    thatac       ocolexa   e
ON S act ii c e npaymn
I     ac    etc
I 'r 'a'beinr eandior
b U 1 Aid en im neir can
aff t it bar tim middle cia
n-' ~ tic  JFatL~~ Chit1 ~
taka en 'e of mew legal ne d
Mr. Runi Ia cx iv ~d He also
said that many oth ' Ban A~-
socia tints I- avc a lv'd him about
details of the pro- comma
The Award, the latent ABA no-

cognasior of various ECBA' Pu'
lic service pro ram in nenon t
you a, was time subject of a lauda-
tory editorial in ito C uric Er-
press o a Au u 24, which tated
in art'
We saint' the offe 'c and
members of the Erie C urty Rn
Assocaton who work m e air-
ii hmna a p-'o-'tara w en b c al
5 races may ir~ chug d Itt a
0 edit card has earned the organi-

a    aapctr       Axam. criMe-
f     ii Ante     Ba'Asoc    -
i     r i    circa      yiP
Aw tin of Ate-at betv d
a yb t mat nab a a-
hay wuti c rtryhowto
Pt ithe 1 imby erave
timinit a atd of busnes bade -
shin iburat totiebeefit
of e vryonc,'
This is the f/bird Award of Ma it
ronveiocaln 'A canon P
vi u crtatmonsfm'ont eABAsre e
record ii 1972 to' sponsoang
d hepin' or arise tIme F tut
Ct a C oference on Cr mamma
ustice wheli re malted in iP' d -
Va mont o a corrmrurity U
Zr i Cona~tni or on Cnn 1
Jmtee andmnlV5frarurimou
fnarvng plan which vas ci e-
loped with local banks o ir In
clients pay for legal ocr leo-

on Vhua ytn C:Of3:1  ,  wth:o171 C)s  .F ;l7ChefJugfo
Actualy, t~' deicatoy proramm
ce010emny in khe;north'cnurtA!d
ofld - the  Ailing ,on 5N n  , Square,:1
StOn er Hilton Hovel
Mayr (Sta7: nley tMakowsk  il A   tmn emitn  t
Line  Ju e 17 tolire    odi  he  aybf   peaigatee
Cit Y1CortV ude: Hn  Buwel 'illoutsssonsha
1;0-bVrt s umngte  oyorcr  be  kdout by10-ne Ere Chi;na
mommy               ry hamill nhA woV0iationwtd teDi
1  11         1  VAtt on - (7y's ; Office
Harod Rbert, oe oftheHencforh slps ufioKang
arhtcso.h7 e  uidn  n  lardeloswl  eaalii
a brothr of iudge 1-be.0  ll  t   ofceo  Bstit  tore
makea smboic a ~emaatln o E~~ CCosa'oT. helip
nh kestV h  ao       iao yKrlFKue     he

lUnGE C'flMPT FTr~ ('01 R~F
H a Jo~ J H mm A Ia
Buffalo City C it Jude ecent y
coiruleted ar m te ive two wee

1(C1Q ~dw '--a  ' ~
rat nal Co ge of Ye lItte
Judnany at he Pram or ty of
N a~ we

cane on The plaintiff's head''
I It was an accident Your I
I H'ca'r ' i~ r1~f~ an eplied I
'I didn't r an to b air tie I
ca me                            I


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