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14 Bull. 1 (1973-1974)

handle is hein.baecl/buletin0014 and id is 1 raw text is: MothyPul.aio O.heBa.sscitonOfEieC..  18
VO. 4-O.i  UFAL, EWYOKl423 lEtEBR

D~rfll     Mrbc
Irvs lv by r a edrot rg'm.
Ti Conan cc or Con a s d co L'rcd all assagar ent
ml cad fM ,c sequalyallofricCo rmecswican
vith n deg £ faguri ~m nerly r n ey r.Wehop
ma ALLC a ameswrl ol regal a rgs adwewil keepic

.vil.and.ra.anal.I.  y  mia
. ro g.  a  d .i..ron ..1..our .corn ........

----------be--a-a-----ale-I-K----A-                 ym  ---k--A--- m-ym----a-d
umetem s w  u ale pesibili

naovirg i-hc i a ace ci' rhe 1 v ncr n a v shW nilvc Ba (caner Jo caTh D Mm z Ad r'nk mater

v o 1 be of enormous value. We are paoeccdrng wa a guarded enthusi
it but mh projec as terribly exeitnag and the possibilities qua e vaa'ed.
Qbv o sly all maca ben vonld be £ lled upo t p rmre4 m We non
nmunber lmost 000 and the mramlemamies of the paoje are not such
as o b disc u aa.anL a napossible. Think about a and em us know
y ama o inc m and thought
We am I alelgmed a see alam Phl Magnet as fully ieee me
nd ba k an full swing putting to rest all of those aura as,
I mrs fall our entire Baa and especially rho c wlo ac U.B. L w
Air am v I p ai~p me na le enemas suaaoundarg mhc open'ng of ml
new L S lool a m £ An eas C map s It is truly ore of he a
b u if I nd cor plea I w f ala aes rywlere frank L sk and In

(on     ma        all  a    us a

edule of eents  emAmso l p  na

eleadafa weekanOcobe.
Fl psm fw an als saw e al f oar raeab~r pas v~'
lao b rca nfl dammak tisoyp maanryaoeoaaenmonmc
ale I of BbC andy H w~ss nbanm hecafl nI ahans Y
I aff cad I ofmloewaaaw nih remam cona m Xlwy
a al aicarber of e B a, Ic cave a Cian nan f ma y
Co ames nala aDaeotofaeAssoeim'n Asyouknw,
w alo adda forml Vie -Presadenyofal BarA ocia on a
June )3 H add a saeabl mor knig hepaeaaeeoflv
raft Cony dli mlw vallallnaslnm.Ouadepesa y
pam even dam A my, isf uly mdhsfamea Jola
Anionean mtswllbemadcsooa a mc ecalue fno'ndy
a agsamd ap pa swia awe are enloimg.S yboos
Sir cad


r ienvvt 3  r  embership
Sought__e:* a.,w School Use
Do yo  I y  ny  le s sag  smos.opnomsom.nens.s.to..la

quca dasorns~1aon th 'cc days u
th       1 prefessi n  and   oem-
m~nfs fr rri ti~ niamb'r hap are
b an    oar lit a    welcomed by
t c Ba A sociatroar of Erie Coun-
Th'-' cc mac at should b sent
to Mass Carol J Seal Executive
Secretary of the B n Assocmatio a,
662 Bihcett Square Bmaibdino Buf-
I ale, Ne York 142 3.
One frequertly heaA saigges-
tio as fi it the three-story struc-
ture o a We t Ea be Street wiich
was erected ri 1949 be turned
mm a aarrpa cnue rsivc Ba rai Ceun -
~ Law Center.
Adnoc tes f uci a proposal
expan t titcouldbeuscdto

nt aentlocaionto1te cotAnd u
atin, e  S' Aofaeitlsmgh

of V ~ Th e C iwty Bar Asrrua~
tiori Aid o Jr di cr t Prisor er So-
oreVyIr~ hassertletcrstoarea
etor ir Ii hi wee tie n ed
for a si red cormsel to reoresent
~ i~ v ~lw couatc
Mr II~rtz 1 sed p steards to
b retuined to hi o~fic 305 Bris-
bwne Buldir Briffalo New Yo k
14203 f r tic corv r enue of law-
e L o~Voarct sigrurs
1 ~ the prefer
I ra rerca, Mr. Mrn~ said
titb ueoftbtne a~cotic
la vs fJ( a bc~a a eff etive Sep-
teirbe~ I h expects the numb r
fattoxaym~n rour toiracca
d a r~a y
A ec CortofAppal ul-
in hat adi r r nondents ir
Clild Abuse c e e ertrtl~d to
ti £ res of sw ~d counsel
a d t e rci~c of Family
Cur Mr M ta ofcehsa-
urred a b &r o p ovadin
o     1 ir ti  c ~rtu tior  also.
Ti (c~r.~ii ~xir L~ 1 E.~~uc -
ti a Cewra c in coop~ra n
rtitc'C~rnra1La Commit-
tee, B r A ~cirtion of Eric Cour-
ty ~xrll pie rit a Seminar on
'Char ~es in h~ New Narcotic
ar d Dr r e ous Drugs Lay on
Satia ~udy, ~eptuixiber 15 in tre
former U of B Law Seiool Build-
mg 77 Wes Earle &~ eeL Louis
H Sie~ C OLE C'mmittee Chair-
Modcrt'r and C~airm r Is
Vireert E Dayle J Parehsts
for ti~ Seminar, which wll be
ir Room 110 friona 9.30 am. to
1130 na willbePaullBfizon,
Ha ld J B and, Jr and Joseph
P.Mo uthy Toestobeco-
ered a c Na no tic Learslatron,
PrediaoaV Felony Offender and
Maadatr y&eatencx ,Aquestron-
arid-a wer I e rod sill follow
Re ~ist alien fee r $10 which in-
o udes hand ut n ateri
Re ist' ti n ma be made at
the ECRA 0 free , &52 Ellico t
~ BaAki1r~ Buff In N Y
Eavoadroppar in Family
Ju - 'Y air wife a~ de-
a t ully oar en, i~r't she~'
Ham         B  whom

The nina Pc afoal Vrfmv~
Mass ftheHoysri'at tradatrom-
aKIy known a The Red M~'
took place Th sday Septembe 4
inS Iose'i' GlelCiat ~'dre~ r-
de the sp nsorsha of tie Catho-
lie Lawyers Guild of Buffalo The
Ma~ '~ '~cie~ a ti c~'~ n'
of tie IJI coam t term
The afost Pen B rand J Mc-
U u hil Arix rary Bi'rhop of Buf-
falont celb nt ndtiehm-
air deb ed b the Rev
M r oiiJ Coniff elioce ri
Camarolac e~narrm es oarecmo'
M~ny o the tulle ~fficaaL
memba &tieBrei and Br
andf e 1~sofallf abs i w 'e
p~rese at, ls~ attcnd d tie us -
eon which foib wed n t e S utIca
HiJi on Hotel.
Off acer of t La ye Gui I
are' Sian atual Direc a, Rca
MsT. Wal' ar J MeD tell
R'csd D Id P Dodna
Vee Pa relent Peter B. Scirele
S t Roe UMedola ad
T~n~%r~   H    ~     a~~G~~m'e
David F P1      af     Ci r'r n
of the lv~~
* ~          !~I ~

Ti galA
fbI ha~s
el oro t;
Softball Lea'u
Phflhp~ Lyti
& Hu )er law
playaff am~
Thirteen te
V tao
g r ental
in tie Saimma
a the Nwtnl
The Le al 2
Je C~sata
Boecro, Dan \~
crate Sal Bal'
rink J In Pie1
Gary B tt a a,
Bar y Sam Pi
B Cia mnaa
New Judg
~~21±~ 't Li. F
ci t t
of    cCainv
Fatzer,  forn:
Justice £ i £
tract iaae Ii
Count of Cla
naridie ac ry
den New York
drug en orcean
o mu ~'ffcctiv

The Br A cata I Erie
'~ a ~ti ura'1 uni na. n iii
upat rt of a ummafied and e-
uptoteelcor y0 mdircccdby
ho a)ml ar an rater
M Robert Korer, Pie ide t of
theE A c mo a oeof
tirays ke o tiled at
the in en V 0-day I arm of
V ' Joat Lcgsvatrae Conmmutee
or Cour Reor a an t an Fri
Count Hal
HctoldticComammnttethet me
ECBA also a p0 Corn na
mon on Judicial C - due d
add d'
We r pond to rain c
attorto of Cot utee hat
w~ cannot recall or c mm t ace in
urodracountir ywe arch
a Comnaums aor v ould have hea d
a ca ' mrcs*~ eel aanf rafer~we
to the audnm<l erdac of one
hal .ndre~ a yco of re-
orit n our district
Mr Ko en al told Vie Com-
nattee ht aeBrAucamo
beicacs the Sumro at Co it
ould remar a independe o -
cause it et al with arch a I hby
hchaic I and pe maized a eV
of Itch .'
Ann aea member I the
St Lc sbrure wic aheiadd
the he a n wcre Assew b vane a
Clester H H rdt and Dale M.
Vo ken
The Cetmurraittoc Is obtaining
tews o pro ~sals for a ate-
ide and state-financed court sys-
terra watla a top adinmni trator' and
Vie nea or of all S preninie a el
C amity Coama into a hat would
be desa nated as a Sbpenlor Court
Cot side able discussion desnel-
oped at the hearing on the que -
tron of wiethem judge should be
appointed or elected
Mn Korema, in nespo ise to a
qu s'ion said that whale he per-
son ally favored coin tinuatiori of
he electron process macmambo 's of
the Ba As elation would be
poled on the matte aid the e-
u~ It, ~n1i cI tc ~%
for is umadance
Th~ N Y State Ban Asoe'a-

t' a an a mend ap roa~ a to gras -
to t' pr lac ducatnoma campar n-
lao- a d Va barano- 2 nminbbion
tar for use by ad c-mote of
Court ~R faa maim 'ekr cepan
ciano-e an jo 'al~election a d
court inammla em nt

Eg       I  ~          The   tarrips   lach  a~     d,
to a ad blu ear the lo~aa:
Fib II Title 'H0~p OLtC~mjd - C~au
aid Baracan of Buf- from     voma ~s aaffraoe wove-
aetamn d ts title as merit in Swit erla d a few icars
Ire weekly Lawyer ago v~reri advocates of vote' I
:e by defeating the W xrien distributed stamps depict-
Rat ico k Blare ingawor~ r~ head watha pain of
firm an the final male hand airily cbonmycel 0 dt
10to0               hermotatla
am,            tang   Goal of tie eP zen Count Re-
awn lan farms and foam effort is to generate upport
ag nene took part I or be ar~k Inc action or arrop als
r-bon napet tion for nerd appoiritnacamat of .jud~e,
h o     na od     a peramnanen~ commission  to an -
~iad team in landed nesting ate aadcaai naisco duct u d
cai a RicUard uiSJOt far e in th o art ad-
Tear atein L am Cac- namfnmstra ave setun
acian   Mark Hub-     Re baton     imempanatit     i
a, Tiara Han in~ton imattla V vo arm, were aelkapted by
Joe Mi rett, CIa - the SteW Loot latuac darning t'
a'Lu( '~u     Dan   1913      £~, bam      adjLmrned
Jaw K ely, without takir~ action 0 a pro
J Rch-td ClaIm      po5abto~upoiritaleI ~tae judges
am the future
Ever pee~on who feel that
es Appointed the adrian a-as'aon of ust cc necd~
unpin we V mould make ii o
nor nae~s ~nuwmraov'emerribeas
he Baa Association of tie 1 ~Jsiature~ Robe V Moe-
y, an d Noaman B Ct-ate Presrdciit of the State Bar
an Sn cure Court said in an cans in t ae tarmap pro-
8th JudicIal D s- gram
rema arp~'antod to Tie .itawps and otire C art Re-
ma Jud eships to form car~ipaa ri materials may be
a el titan cases ur- obtain ed unite art ci r e by -art
St tos tough n w rnx to he Parilic Rela oams Dept.
ent Pa win i be- N Y state Baa Assocation 1
Septeam ben 1       Elk St A barmy, N. Y   122~7

re bcrs a
ml £ Attic


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