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1 Farm Animals [i] (2004)

handle is hein.animal/fani0001 and id is 1 raw text is: During transport, lack of protection from extreme
weather, mixing of unfamiliar animals, overcrowding,
poor driving, and long periods without food or water
cause injuries and sometimes the deaths of animals.
The Humane Slaughter Act directs the US
Department of Agriculture (USDA) to ensure that pigs,
cows, sheep, goats and horses are rendered insensible
to pain before being killed. However, the Act excludes
poultry and animals killed for ritual slaughter. Even
for protected species, the law is blatantly flouted at
some large slaughterhouses. The drive to increase
profits has led plants to increase the number of
animals slaughtered per hour. Consequently, animals
are sometimes scalded, skinned and dismembered
without having been properly stunned.
Industrial agriculture is inherently inhumane,
but cruelty to animals is not the only consequence of
treating animals as machines. Factory-raised animals
are routinely administered non-therapeutic levels of
antibiotics to promote growth and control health
problems that develop under hostile, factory condi-
tions. Not only do residues of the drugs sometimes
end up in the meat, but the inappropriate use of anti-
biotics also enables bacteria to develop resistance to
antibiotics, giving rise to superbugs and diseases.
Factory production concentrates tremendous
amounts of manure in small areas. Unlike human
waste, there is no requirement to treat waste from
farm animals. Their manure is collected and stored
in vast quantities, creating environmental and health
hazards. Liquid manure cesspools have overflowed and
their earthen liners routinely leak into groundwater.
The cruelty of industrial animal agriculture
affects us all.

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