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1 Biomedical Research Training, and Medical Library Assistance Amendments of 1983: Report (to Accompany S. 773) 1 (1983)

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                                  Calendar No. 172
98TH CONGRESS              SENATE              f       REPORT
  1st Session J                                     No. 98-110


                 MAY 16, 1983.-Ordered to be printed

  Mr. HATCH, from the Committee of Labor and Human Resources,
                    submitted the following


                       [To accompany S. 773],
  The Committee on Labor and Human Resources, to which was
  referred the bill (S. 773) to revise and extend programs relating to
  biomedical research, research training, and medical library assist-
  ance, to establish a National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoske-
  letal and Skin Diseases, and for other purposes, having considered
  the same, reports favorably thereon with amendments and recom-
  mends that the bill (as amended) do pass.
                    I. SUMMARY OF THE BILL
   S. 773 amends the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) and makes
 additional provisions as follows:
   (1) Reauthorizes for four years (through FY86), the National
 Cancer Institute, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,
 and the Medical Library Assistance Act. The authorization levels
 of FY83 are set at the levels appropriated in the continuing resolu-
 tion for FY83 and are increased by five percent per year thereafter.
   (2) Amends the National Cancer Institute legislation as follows:
      (a) Requires Cancer Research and Cancer Control programs
      to include support for research projects related to continuing
      care of the cancer patient and the patient's family.
      (b) Authorizes Cancer Control programs to conduct develop-
      mental research in addition to current programs.


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