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1 1 (March 29, 2023)

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Key  Points

  *  Chinese influence in Latin Arnerica is growing. This poses a threat to vital U security
     interests in an underappreciated region.
     SThe Monroe Doctrine warned against allowing hostile great powers fresh entry into the
     Western Hemisphere. it remains a tirely warning 200 years later.

     n e Biden administration's Latin America policy is informed by liberal guilt over Cold War
     legacies rather than by any clear stategy to counteraro Chinese influence in the region.

  *   he United States must renovate its Latin America policy in a way that takes seriously the
     expanding regional threat from China.

.John Quincy Adams  is well-known for articulating
the principle that Aminca  goes not abroad, in
search of mnsnters to destroy Yet his vsion fOr
US  grand strategy  s Charles Edel demonstrates
convincigly  in  the aoo?  Na tio Builder: John
Quincy Adan  and thr' Grone Strategy oft he Republic,
was  breathtaking y ambitous0  Adams  imagined
nothing less than half the planet free from great-
power competition, The old World might be char-
acterized by abalance of forces betwneen contending
autocraies, he New  World, in Adams's view, would
be cldomnated by forms of popular self government
led by the United States.
   Following this logic, the Monroe  Doctrine----
authored primarily by Adam s in ,82 while secre-
tary of state-----specified that the US would view any
new  European incursions into the Western Hemi-
sphere as the manifestation of an unfriendly dis--
position toward the United  States.3 Of course,
America  in the 182os possessed limited ability to

enforce this doctrine. But Adams had laid down a
marker of great importance.
   The pattern for the rest of the 19th century was
that the Western Hemisphere, inciuding Latin Amer-
ica, formed an arena for competition and influence
among  Europes  major powers. The  United King-
dom  led with its powerful navy, broad financial and
conmercial  interests, multiple colonies, and bases
throughouut the region. France was widely influen-
tial, taking advantage of opportunities including
the US Civil War to expand a French presence into
locations such as Mexico. The Spanish still controlled
Cuba  and Puerto Rico, clinging to an imperial leg-
acy. And by the end of the century, a unified German
empire began to assert its potential naval, economic,
and diplomatic interests in Latin America.
   This multipolar great-power competition formed
a crucial context for the assertion of US predomi-
nance in the Caribbean hasin. beginning in the i89os
and continuing thereafter. During this period, the
United  States built up a blue-water fleet, pried

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