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1 Sean Rosenmerkel, et al., Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2006 1 (2006)

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U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Revised 11/22/2010

Bureau of Justice Statistics

December  2009, NCJ  226846

National Judicial Reporting Program

Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2006 -

Statistical Tables

Sean Rosenmerkel, Matthew  Durose
and Donald Farole, Jr., Ph.D.
BJS Statisticians

The National Judicial Reporting Program
(NJRP) compiles detailed information on the
sentences that felons receive in state courts
nationwide and on characteristics of the felons.
The survey excludes federal courts and state or
local courts that do not adjudicate adult felony
cases. NJRP surveys have been conducted every
2 years since 1986. This publication presents
findings from the 2006 survey.

The 2006 NJRP was based on a sample of state
courts in 300 counties selected to be nationally
representative. The survey included offenses that
state penal codes defined as felonies. Felonies are
widely defined as crimes with the potential of
being punished by more than 1 year in prison.

In 2006, state courts sentenced an estimated
1,132,290 persons for a felony conviction. That
total represents a 37% increase from the number
of felony offenders sentenced in 1990. The num-
ber of sentenced felons in 2006 per 100,000 adult
residents (18 or older) in the United States was
503. The corresponding rate in 1990 was 447.

. In 2006 an estimated 69% of all persons con-
victed of a felony in state courts were sen-
tenced  to a period of confinement-41% to
state prison and 28% to local jails.

 State prison sentences averaged 4 years and
11  months in 2006.

Number and rate   of persons sentenced  for
a felony in state courts
                          Rate per 100,000 resi-
          Estimated number dents age 18 or older
 1990          829,340           447
 1994          872,220           448
 1998          927,720           454
 2002        1,051,000           489
 2006        1,132,290           503
 Note: See Methodology for source of resident population

 During this 16-year period, state courts experi-
 enced a rise in the average age of persons sen-
 tenced for a felony, a trend that is reflected in the
 overall U.S. population. In 1990, persons age 30
 or older accounted for 74% of U.S. adult resi-
 dents and 42% of felony offenders in state courts
 (not in table). By comparison, persons age 30 or
 older comprised 78% of the adult U.S. popula-
 tion in 2006 and 53% of felons sentenced in state
 courts that year. The average age of sentenced
felons rose from 29 years in 1990 to 33 years in

. Men (83%) accounted for a larger percentage
of persons convicted of a felony, compared to
their percentage (49%) of the adult population
(not  shown in table).

. Most (94%) felony offenders sentenced in 2006
pleaded  guilty.

This publication is one in a series. For a list of all publications in this series go to http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbse&sid=28
1 Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2006 - Statistical Tables                                             December  2009

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