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11 Mich. St. U. Det. C. L.J. Int'l L. 141 (2002)
Has the Charter Freed the Press? A Comparison of the Effects of United States and Canadian Constitutional Provisions on the Freedom of the Press to Attend and Cover Criminal Trials

handle is hein.journals/mistjintl11 and id is 149 raw text is: HAS THE CHARTER FREED THE PRESS? A
Christian Huffinan*
Americans take media access to criminal court proceedings,
particularly murder trials, for granted. We hear about them on the radio
as we're driving to work, read about them in the morning paper as we
sip our coffee, and watch them on the evening news as we relax after
dinner. For example, in October of 1995, people all across the country
glued themselves to the television as a court clerk read a jury verdict
declaring O.J. Simpson not guilty of the murders of Nicole Brown
Simpson and Ronald Goldman.' In 1996, Court TV provided daily
coverage of the murder trial, and later conviction, of Lyle and Erik
Menendez for brutally slaying their parents with shotguns.2 And, in
June of 2001, CNN, among others, promptly relayed to American
citizens that U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch had refused to stop the
scheduled execution of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.3
Indeed, over the past several years the American media has kept citizens
* J.D. anticipated, Michigan State University-Detroit College of Law, May 2003;
B.B.A. Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Kennesaw State University, 1999.
I would like to thank Professor Kevin W. Saunders, whose course on Comparative
Constitutional Law inspired this note. I would also like to thank my colleagues on the MSU-
DCL Journal of International Law, without whom this publication would not have been
possible. Finally, this note is dedicated to my parents, Jerry and Susan Huffman, for the
sacrifices and hardships they have endured on my behalf, and for twenty-six years of relentless
love and support; and also to my grandfather, Frederick Lichtman, the first of three generations
to attend DCL, and whose achievements set the standard which myself and all the others have
tried to meet.
1. Not Guilty: Trial of the century ends with Simpson's acquittal, CNN.com, at
http://www.cnn.com/US/OJ/daily/9510/10-03/index.html (Oct. 3, 1995).
2. California  v. Lyle  and   Erik  Menendez, Court TV     Online, at
http://www.courttv.com/casefiles/menendez/ (1999).
3. McVeigh   attorneys  to  appeal ruling  against stay, CNN.com, at
http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/06/06mcveigh.hearing.03 (June 6, 2001).

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