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10 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 517 (2000)
Constitutional Trends in Africa-The Kenya Case

handle is hein.journals/tlcp10 and id is 531 raw text is: Constitutional Trends In Africa - The Kenya Case
J.B. Ojwang*
I.  Introduction   ................................................................................................ 517
II. Kenya's Constitutional Evolution to the Threshold
of the  Third  M illennium   ............................................................................ 519
A .  Pre-Colonial Tim   es .............................................................................. 519
B .  Colonial Tim  es ..................................................................................... 520
C. A Westminster-Model Constitution ................................................... 522
D. From Westminster to an African Republic ........................................ 523
E. The Constitution, the President, and the Party in the
African  Republic .................................................................................. 524
III. The Post-Independence Political and Constitutional
O rder ........................................................................................................... 526
A .  Introduction   ........................................................................................ 526
B. Constitutional Change in Kenya, 1964-2000 ..................................... 526
1. Preliminary Remark ....................................................................... 526
2. The  Presidency   ................................................................................ 526
3. The  Legislature ................................................................................ 530
4. The  Judiciary  ................................................................................... 533
C. Evaluating Kenya's Constitutional Status Today ............................. 535
IV. Constitutionalism in Kenya and Africa - Future Prospects ................... 538
The relevance of the theme, Constitutional Trends in Africa, is to be
appreciated in the first place with regard to the interplay between
international law and municipal law-this relationship itself makes a case
for formulating perspectives on the African position. The threshold in this
relationship has been stated by Michael Akehurst in these terms:
International law does not entirely ignore municipal law. For instance, ...
* LL.B, LL.M. (Nairobi); Ph.D. (Cambridge) Professor of Law & Dean, Faculty of Law, University
of Nairobi.

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