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6 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 399 (2004-2005)
Reform in the "Brave Kingdom": Alternative Compensation Systems for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

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Reform in The Brave Kingdom: Alternative
Compensation Systems For Peer-To-Peer File
Joseph Gratz*
Introduction   .............................................................................. 400
I. The Current Regime .............................                   401
A. Licensing for CD Reproduction ................................ 402
B.  Public  Perform  ance ................................................... 404
C .  W ebcasting  ................................................................ 405
II. Compulsory Licensing Proposals for P2P Applications .... 407
A .  Com m on  Goals  .......................................................... 407
1.  Sem iotic  Dem ocracy ............................................ 407
2. Increased Efficiency ............................................ 409
B .  The  Proposals ............................................................ 409
1.  Fisher's  Proposal ................................................. 410
a.  R egistration  ................................................... 410
b.  C ollection  ....................................................... 411
c.  M easurem  ent ................................................. 411
d.  D istribution  ................................................... 414
2.  N etanel's  Proposal .............................................. 414
3.  Litm an's  Proposal ............................................... 414
a.  O pt-out ........................................................... 415
b. Bypassing Copyright Holders ....................... 417
III. An Alternative Compensation Proposal ........................... 420
A. Mechanics of the Proposal ........................................ 420
1.  G oals  .................................................................... 420
2.  Scope  .................................................................... 420
3.  P articipation  ....................................................... 421
4.  C ollection  ............................................................. 423
* J.D. expected 2005, University of Minnesota Law School; B.A. 2002,
University of Wisconsin - Madison. Thanks to David McGowan, Rob Kaye,
and discussants on the Pho listserv for comments on earlier drafts. This paper
won first prize at the University of Minnesota Law School in ASCAP's 2004
Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition.


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