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22 Mich. J. Int'l L. 239 (2000-2001)
How International Is International Law

handle is hein.journals/mjil22 and id is 251 raw text is: HOW INTERNATIONAL IS
Kurt Taylor Gaubatz*
Matthew MacArthur**
A.    The Universality of International Law ................................ 241
B.    The Sociological Approach to Legal Studies ....................... 245
C.    Legal Procedures at the ICJ ................................................ 247
II.  T H E  D ATA  ..................................................................................... 250
A.    Legal Team  s  at the  ICJ  ........................................................ 251
1. Western Legal Teams with High Non-National
C om position  .................................................................. 254
2. Non-Western Legal Teams with High National
C om position  .................................................................. 255
3. Non-National Lawyers Before the ICJ .......................... 257
B .   The  ICJ  Judges  .................................................................... 260
III. Is INTERNATIONAL LAW INTERNATIONAL? ................................. 263
A. Nationality and International Legal Norms ............................ 264
B. Legal Advising in Non-Western States .................................... 266
C. The Question of Specialization ................................................ 269
1. The Supreme Court as Analogue ..................................... 269
2. The Limits of Functional Specialization ......................... 271
D. The Case for National Representation ................................... 273
E. Prospects for  Change ............................................................... 274
C ON CLU SION S  ........................................................................................ 276
A PPEN D IX  .............................................................................................. 279
* Graduate Program in International Studies, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
23529-0086, kgaubatz@odu.edu.
** Department of Political Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-
We have accumulated a number of intellectual and other debts in the crafting of the ar-
gument presented here. Seminars at Stanford, Oxford, and at Old Dominion University as
well as a panel at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association were the
occasion for valuable feedback on the project. Particular thanks are due to Martha Finne-
more, Jay Smith, Judith Goldstein, Andrew Hurrell, Richard Steinberg, Vaughan Lowe,
Charlotte Ku, Jeffrey Manns, and Robert Beck. It should be noted that not all agreed with the
argument presented here, indeed some took strong exception to it. Their comments helped us
hone the argument, but responsibility and blame for it and any errors of logic or fact remain
with us.

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