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17 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 229 (2009)
The Gendered Nature of Domestic Violence: Statistical Data for Lawyers Considering Equal Protection Analysis

handle is hein.journals/ajgsp17 and id is 233 raw text is: 

              DOMESTIC VIOLENCE:


                       MOLLY DRAGIEWICZ*
                       YVONNE LINDGREN**

I. The Gender Classification of Woods v. Horton ..................................... 234
      A . The Woods v. H orton  Case  ....................................................... 234
      B. The Challenged California Domestic Violence Shelter
          S tatu tes  .................................................................................... 2 37
II. Equal Protection Under the California Constitution .......................... 238
III. Equal Protection Under the Federal Constitution ............................... 240
IV. Women and Men Are Dissimilarly Situated with Regard to
      D om estic  V iolence .......................................................................... 242
      A. Historical Acceptance of Violence Against Women ................ 244
      B. Women's Lesser Access to Material Resources Relative to
         M en .......................................................................................... 2 44
      C. Women's Grossly Disproportionate Risk of Violence from
         M ale Partners  ........................................................................... 245
         1. H om icide  ............................................................................ 246
         2. H om icide-Suicide  ............................................................... 249
         3. Sublethal V iolence .............................................................. 250
         4 . Injury  .................................................................................. 2 5 1
         5. Sexual V iolence  .................................................................. 252
         6 . Stalking  ............................................................................... 2 53
         7. Self D efense ........................................................................ 254
         8. Separation  A ssault .............................................................. 255

    * Assistant Professor, Criminology, Justice and Policy Studies, University of
Ontario Institute of Technology. B.A., 1995, University of Arizona, Tucson; M.Phil.,
1997, University of Western Australia, Perth; Ph.D., 2006, George Mason University.
   ** S.J.D. candidate 2011, LL.M., 2009, University of California, Berkeley School
of Law; J.D., 1991, Hastings College of the Law; B.A., 1988, UCLA.

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